High Speed Network Technologies


NIST ATM/HFC Network Simulator



APROPS (PNNI Simulator)

Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI) Routing Interoperability Tests

The interoperability tests for testing the Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI) were developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to assist developers, testers, network administrators, and users of this new ATM network routing protocol. These tests are the same tests that are described in the routing section of the ATM Forum's Interoperability Tests for PNNI, which is currently in straw vote status (str-test-pnni-iop-00.02, October 1998).

The individual tests are written in TCL. There is a one for one correspondence between the tests in TCL and the tests described in the ATM Forum's Interoperability Tests for PNNI document. These tests can be used to provide real time testing or off-line analysis, depending on the capability of the monitoring device.

Off-line analysis may be accomplished as follows: Use a monitoring device to capture the PNNI routing information. This capture buffer is then filtered (i.e. the proprietary decoding of the PNNI routing information is converted into a standard format, which the TCL test files use). A selection of the TCL tests are used on this captured and filterred buffer to determine whether the expected behavior occurred, in which case the test passed, or if not, where the error occurred.

For real time testing the TCL tests will perform the same function, but will occur in real time. This usage will be specific to the monitoring device's capabilities and interfaces.

A complete example of the off-line method is provided for the GNNettest Interwatch 95000 monitoring device.


Project Contact

For inquiries regarding this project, contact David Cypher.