Materials Transportation Testing & Analysis Mission

Sandia's Transportation Risk & Packaging Program develops innovative technologies and methodologies to solve transportation and packaging problems for DOE and other federal agencies. These solutions cover a broad spectrum of activities ranging from new package design to package testing and from regulatory standard development to transportation risk/safety assessments.

Industrial and military activities in the United States use and produce large amounts of hazardous and radioactive materials. Our nation, and the world, is faced with the task of safely disposing of these materials. A very important aspect of this effort is the safe and economical transportation of radioactive and chemical wastes to treatment, storage, and disposal facilities.

Movement of materials and wastes is accomplished by a combination of truck, rail, ship, and air. Sandia National Laboratories' Transportation Risk & Packaging Program provides the technology and know-how to support DOE in achieving safe, efficient, and economical packaging and transportation of nuclear and other hazardous materials.

Sandia's transportation technologies and experience provides the necessary basis for a systematic approach to waste management packaging and transportation issues. Our Transportation Risk & Packaging Program anticipates future system needs, identifies potential problems, and develops innovative solutions for DOE packaging and transportation activities.

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