Further Formatting Options for the Series Report and Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) data retrieval tools:

Note: These features apply to both the Series Report (for repeat users who know their Series ID(s)) and Create Customized tables (multiple screens) tools.

How to override previous screen's year range and retrieve data for a single period/month: ?

How to calculate Net Change from Period/Year(s): ?

How to calculate Percent Change from Period/Year(s): ?

To override previous screen's year range and retrieve data for a single period/month: Supported browsers -

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer Safari
  1. Access the Series Report tool.
  2. Enter the series id(s) in the first field.
  3. Select a time frame.
  4. Click the radio button for format options 3 ( Series ID) OR 4 ( Survey Characteristic) under Format:.
  5. Select one of the other output items, e.g., HTML Tables.
  6. Click the "Retrieve Data" button.
  7. Enter mXX/YYYY in the first field, where mXX is the period and YYYY is the year, e.g., m01/2005.
  8. Click the "Retrieve Data" button.

To calculate Net Change: Supported browsers -

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer Safari

Calculates and displays net change for a series for selected discrete periods.

  1. Access the Series Report tool.
  2. Enter the series id(s) in the first field.
  3. Select a time frame.
  4. Click the radio button for format options 3 ( Series ID) OR 4 ( Survey Characteristic) under Format:.
  5. Select one of the other output items, e.g., HTML Tables.
  6. Click the "Retrieve Data" button.
  7. Enter the Calculate Net Change from Period/Year(s): e.g., m01/1992
  8. Enter the Calculate Net Change to Period/Year(s): e.g., m02/1992
  9. Click the "Retrieve Data" button.
(Note: This feature does not apply to all databases.)

To calculate Percent Change: Supported browsers -

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer Safari

Calculates and displays percent change for a series for selected discrete periods.

  1. Access the Series Report tool.
  2. Enter the series id(s) in the first field.
  3. Select a time frame.
  4. Click the radio button for format options 3 ( Series ID) OR 4 ( Survey Characteristic) under Format:.
  5. Select one of the other output items, e.g., HTML Tables.
  6. Click the "Retrieve Data" button.
  7. Enter the Calculate Percent Change from Period/Year(s): e.g., m01/1992
  8. Enter the Calculate Percent Change to Period/Year(s): e.g., m02/1992
  9. Click the "Retrieve Data" button.
(Note: This feature does not apply to all databases.)


Last Modified Date: July 19, 2008