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You are here: Methods > Field methods > Geolocation measurement
Bathymetry measurement
Means of determining the depth to the floor of a body of water, especially the ocean.
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Results 1 - 20 of 20 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Bering and Chukchi Sea databases bathymetry coverages [New Window]
Downloadable files of digital bathymetry of U.S. waters, the Bering and Chukchi Seas, Bering Strait, and Gulf of Anadyr in polygon ARC/INFO. Coverage generated from both digital and paper bathymetry sources developed to support marine research.
Central California Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and bathymetry images [New Window]
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) images and bathymetry data of the San Francisco Bay, Santa Clara, and the Monterey Bay and Canyon areas.
Gulf of the Farallones regional bathymetry and sidescan-sonar digital mosaics [New Window]
Remotely sensed image products covering the Gulf of the Farallones region west of San Francisco.
San Francisco Bay bathymetry web site [New Window]
Provides location-depth grids of bathymetry available for San Francisco Bay and tools for examining those grids. Data provided as GIS grids and animations.
San Francisco Bay: Central Bay region multibeam backscatter and bathymetry mosaics [New Window]
Landsat TM and bathymetry mosaic images of sediment and pollutant transport in central San Francisco Bay.
Atlantic margin offshore sediments: cooperative database and GIS development website [New Window]
This site is designed to provide information on federal interagency and cooperative developments related to coastal sand and gravel resources and management issues along the Atlantic continental margin.
Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG) InfoBank [New Window]
Access to InfoBank, an online data catalog, to browse or retrieve coastal and marine geology program information, images, and data on gravity, bathymetry, seismic activity, magnetics, samples, facilities, cruises and equipment.
Cruise report by Coastal Surveyor Cruise C-1-99-SC: multibeam mapping of the Long Beach, California, continental shelf [New Window]
Description of the work and results of a cruise by the Pacific Sea Floor Mapping project to map the Long Beach, California continental shelf based on data from high-resolution multibeam technology.
Hydrates cruise in the Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Investigation of the upper- and middle continental slope of the Mississippi Canyon, including the Gulf of Mexico, for the distribution of gas-hydrate deposits with links to a DEM image map, bathymetry data, and research technology.
Multibeam data and socio-economic issues in west-central San Francisco Bay [New Window]
Webpage based on USGS Open File Report 98-139 links to information on the San Francisco Bay estuary to study dredge disposal effects, fish habitats, sediment transport, rock pinnacles and navigation, and consequences of a large oil spill.
Multibeam mapping of selected areas of the outer continental shelf, northwestern Gulf of Mexico: data, images, and GIS [New Window]
Report provides the multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data, images, FGDC-compliant metadata, and GIS data from the 2002 surveys and 1997 USGS surveys of the Gulf.
Multibeam mapping of the Pinnacles region, Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Report on multibeam sonar imaging to produce bathymetric mapping of the reef tract known as The Pinnacles, northern Gulf of Mexico with links to images (ASCII or ArcInfo formats), data, metadata, ArcExplorer 2.0 project, and cruise report.
Multibeam mapping of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Georeferenced high-resolution mapping of bathymetry of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico of areas suspected to be critical benthic habitats for fisheries. Includes links to images, data, metadata, and TIFF image files.
Nearshore Benthic Habitat Project [New Window]
Homepage for the Nearshore Benthic Habitats Project for mapping geophysical characterization of the coastal sea floor to identify benthic fish and shellfish habitat with links to research cruises and preliminary results.
Pacific Seafloor Mapping Project [New Window]
Homepage for the Pacific Sea floor Mapping Project with links to images, downloadable data, applications, fly-by movies, products, publications, and contacts for studies of San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, Lake Tahoe, and other Pacific areas.
Reservoir sediment studies in Kansas [New Window]
Report of completed reservoir sediment studies in Kansas using a combination of bathymetric surveying, sediment coring, chemical analysis, and statistical analysis to understand the quantity and quality of deposited sediment.
The sea-floor mapping facility at the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Field Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts [New Window]
Fact sheet on the sea-floor mapping facility at Woods Hole describing state-of-the-art technology used to produce accurate geologic maps of the sea floor and reporting on its data-acquisition, data-processing, and archiving capabilities.
U.S. Pacific West Coast internet map server [New Window]
Interactive map of the U.S. Pacific West Coast with data layers of Gloria sidescan data, multibeam backscatter and shaded relief imagery.
USGS studies in the New York Bight [New Window]
Describes and provides links to USGS research in the location of the estuary and coast of Long Island, New York, to map the sea floor and to study sediment transport, contaminants, and sand resources and coastal vulnerability.
Western lake catchment systems - Bear Lake region, Idaho-Utah [New Window]
Homepage for project on Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah, to study past climate change and effect on lake catchment basins. Includes link to summary, personnel, geology, methods used including coring and seismic surveying, and publications.

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