United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Work Plan for the Wildlife Component

Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) National Assessment

Cropland Component - National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Producer Survey

The 2004-2006 landowner survey conducted by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) in support of the CEAP Cropland Component contained six questions related to how landowners perceive wildlife on their lands and how they view wildlife response to practices they have installed.  While the data generated from these questions are not equivalent to empirical data derived from quantitative wildlife assessments, they are useful to identify which conservation practices are being used by producers to enhance wildlife habitat and how wildlife use of these practices is viewed by producers.  This information is also useful to regional groups and others interested in identifying practices that should be assessed for their utility in pro­viding wildlife habitat.  Survey information will provide a better understanding on whether producers make special accommodations for wildlife or plan and configure conservation practices with wildlife in mind. 

The purpose of these questions is to obtain information about the on-site effects of conservation practices on wildlife habitat. 

Questions include:

  1. Have you modified or added any conservation practice specifically to improve the quality of fish or wildlife habitat? If yes, indicate what practices were installed or modified.
  2. For the field practices indicated in the previous questions, will you manage the cover for wildlife purposes?
  3. Have you seen changes in wildlife numbers because of these conservation practices? If so, what changes (choices are provided for common, easily recognized species)
  4. How desirable do you consider the following wildlife on your property? (choices are provided for common species)
  5. To what extent are wildlife habitat considerations included in discussions you have with NRCS or other conservationists? (four choices)
  6. Question designed to elicit the respondent’s attitude toward wildlife in relation to their operation.

Results of questions 1 and 2 can be used to help identify the conservation practices that are being used by producers to enhance wildlife habitat in and around cropland fields.  Practices identified by landowners as important for wildlife habitat enhancement can then be targeted for evaluation and quantification as part of the CEAP Wildlife Component.

Results of question 3 provide estimates, from the landowners' perspective, of the on-site wildlife benefits derived from conservation practices they have installed specifically for wildlife enhancement purposes in and around cropland fields included in the NASS survey.

Results from question 4 can be used to help identify important wildlife species or groups to feature in quantitative evaluations of wildlife benefits achieved through conservation programs and practices.

Results from questions 5 and 6 are useful in estimating the extent to which practices are planned to address and/or enhance wildlife habitat.  Some practices may provide significant benefits to wildlife only where wildlife habitat needs are considered in planning, whereas others may provide significant benefits regardless of whether or not wildlife habitat needs were considered.  By combining this information with the outcome of other quantitative studies to assess the wildlife benefits of various conservation practices, results from these questions will help identify the extent to which on-site wildlife benefits can be attained.

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