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Hurricane Research Division

Other Years' Publications :

Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tropical Cyclones Reviewed Articles and Books - 1993

Compiled by Noel Charles and Chris Landsea

This is a compilation both of all reviewed research papers and books (or chapters of books) on tropical cyclones that were published in 1993 as received at the NOAA/AOML library.

If there are any additions or corrections, please email me directly.

All Available Journals - 1993


  • Pfeffer R. L., and M. Challa, 1993: Model hurricane formation in the presence of a basic state current, Atmosfera 6, 25-38

Atmosphere - Ocean

  • -None-

Australian Meteorological Magazine

  • -None-

Boundary Layer Meteorology

  • -None-

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

  • Langford J. S., and K. A. Emanuel, 1993: An Unmanned Aircraft for Dropwindsonde Deployment and Hurricane Reconnaissance, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 74, 367-367.

Climate Dynamics

  • -None-

Climate Change

  • -None-

Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean

  • -None-

Geophysical Research Letters

  • -None-

International Journal Of Climatology

  • Rogers R. F., and R. E. Davis, 1993: The Effect of Coastline Curvature on the Weakening of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones, International Journal Of Climatology, 13, 287-300.
  • Lough J. M., 1993: Variations of some Seasonal Rainfall Characteristics in Queensland, Australia 1921-1987, International Journal Of Climatology, 13, 391-410.

Journal of Applied Meteorology

  • Alliss R. J., G. D. Sandlin, S. W. Chang, S. Raman, 1993: Applications of SSM/I Data in the Analysis of Hurricane Florence, Journal of Applied Meteorology 32, 1581-1591.

Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology

  • Georges T. M., and J. A. Harlan, L. R. Meyer, R. G. Peer, 1993: Tracking Hurricane Claudette with the U.S. Air-Force Over the Horizon Radar, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 10, 441-451.

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

  • Wu C., K. A. Emanuel, 1993: Interaction of a Baroclinic Vortex with Background Shear: Application to Hurricane Movement, Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 50, 62-76.
  • Flatau M., and D. E. Stevens, 1993: The Role of Outflow-Layer Instabilities in Tropical Cyclone Motion, Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 50, 1721-1733.
  • Emanuel K., 1993: The Effect of Convective Response Time on WISHE Modes, Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 50, 1763-1775.
  • Zehnder J. A., 1993: The Influence of Large-Scale Topography on Barotropic Vortex Motion, Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 50, 2519-2532.
  • Gamache J. F., and R. A. Houze, F. D. Marks Jr., 1993: Dual-Aircraft Investigation of the Inner Core of Hurricane Norbert. Part III: Water Budget, Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 50, 3221-3243.
  • Shapiro L. J., and M. T. Montgomery, 1993: A Three - Dimensional Balance Theory for Rapidly Rotating Vortices, Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 50, 3322-3335.
  • Guinn T. A., and W. H. Schubert, 1993: Hurricane Spiral Bands, Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 50, 3380-3403.
  • Smith R. B., 1993: A Hurricane Beta-Drift Law, Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 50, 3213-3215.
  • Balaji V., and J.-L. Redelsperger, G. P. Klaassen, 1993: Mechanism for the Mesoscale Organization of Tropical Cloud Cluster in GATE; Phase III. Part I: Shallow Cloud Bands, Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 50, 3571-3589.

Journal of Climate

  • Evans J. L., 1993: Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Intensity to Sea Surface Temperature, 6, 1133-1140.

Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmosphere)

  • -None-

Journal of Physical Oceanography

  • -None-

Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan

  • -None-

Mariner's Weather Log

  • Ringle K., 1993: The Horror of Great Hurricanes, Mariner's Weather Log, 37, 4-11.
  • Rappaport E., and M. B. Lawrence , 1993: Eastern North Pacific Hurricane-1992, Mariner's Weather Log, 37, 10-17.
  • Dickens L. 1993: Typhoon Aquarius, Mariner's Weather Log, 37, 16-19.
  • Mayfield M., and L. Avila, 1993: North Atlantic Hurricane, Mariner's Weather Log, 37,18-25
  • Chun A. K. T., 1993: Central North Pacific Hurricanes-1992, Mariner's Weather Log, 37, 26-30

Monthly Weather Review

  • Kaplan J., and Frank W. M. 1993: The Large-Scale Inflow-Layer Structure of Hurricane Frederic (1979), Monthly Weather Review,121,3-20
  • Machado T. L. A., and J-P. H. Duvel, M. Desbois, 1993: Diurnal Variations and Modulations by Easterly Waves of the Size Distribution of Convective Cloud Cluster over West Africa and the Atlantic Ocean, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 37-49
  • Hoerlig M. P., and T. K. Schaack, A. J. Lenzen, 1993: A Global Analysis of Stratospheric-Tropospheric Exchange during Northern Winter, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 162
  • Chang C.-P., and Yeh T.-C., J. M. Chen, 1993: Effects of Terrain on the Surface Structure of Typhoons over Taiwan, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 734-752
  • Sinclair M. P.,1993: Synoptic-Scale Diagnosis of the Extratropical Transition of a Southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone, Monthly Weather Review,121, 918-940
  • Dobos P. H., and R. L. Elsberry, 1993: Forecasting Tropical Cyclone Recurvature. Part I: Evaluation of Existing Methods, Monthly Weather Review, 121,1273-1278
  • Ford D. M, and R. L. Elsberry, P. A. Harr, P.H. Dobos, 1993: Forecasting Tropical Cyclone Recurvature. Part II: An Objective Technique Using an
  • Empirical Orthogonal Function Representation of Vorticity Fields, Monthly Weather Review, 121,1279-1290
  • Felice P., and A. Viltard, J. Oubuih, 1993: A Synoptic Wave of 6-9 Day Period in the Atlantic Tropical Troposphere during Summer 1981, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 1291-1298
  • Mathur M. B., and J. Ruess, 1993: Further Evaluation or the Quasi-Lagrangian Model's Forecast Track Guidance, Monthly Weather Review, 121,1514-1530
  • Landsea, C. W., 1993: A Climatology of intense (or Major) Atlantic Hurricanes, Monthly Weather Review, 121,1703-1713
  • Bennett A. F., L. M. Leslie, C. R. Hagelberg, and P. E. Powers, 1993: Tropical Cyclone Predication Using a Barotropic Model Initialized by a Generalized Inverse Method, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 1714-1729
  • DeMaria M., and R. W. Jones, 1993: Optimization of hurricane Track Forecast Model with the Adjust Model Equations, Monthly Weather Review, 121,1730-1745
  • Kurihara Y., and M. A. Bender, R. J. Ross, 1993: An Initialization scheme of Hurricane Models by Vortex Specification, Monthly Weather Review, 21,2030-2045
  • Bender M. A., and R. J. Ross, R. E. Tuleya, Y. Kurihara, 1993: Improvement in Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Forecast Using the GFDL Initialization System, Monthly Weather Review, 121,2046-2061
  • Lander M. A., 1993: Comments on "A GCM Simulation of the Relationship between Tropical Storm Formation and ENSO". Monthly Weather Review, 121, 2137-2143
  • Molinari J., and D. Vollaro, S. Skubis, 1993: Application of the Eliassen Model to Real-Data Tropical Cyclones, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 2409-2419
  • Franklin J. L., and S. J. Lord, 1993: The Kinematic Structure of Hurricane Gloria (1985) Determined from Nested Analyses of Dropwind-sonde and Doppler Radar Data, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 2433-2451
  • Hodanish S. and W. M. Gray, An Observational Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Recurvature, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 2665-2689
  • Yeh T-C. and R. L. Elsberry, 1993: Interaction of Typhoons with the Taiwan Orography. Part I: Upstream Track Deflections, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 3193-3213
  • Yeh T-C. and R. L. Elsberry, 1993: Interaction of Typhoons with the Taiwan Orography. Part II: Continuous and Discontinuous Tracks across the Island, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 3213-3233

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

  • Smith R. K., and H. C. Weber, 1993: An extended analytic theory of tropical- cyclone motion in a barotropic shear flow, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 119, 1149-1166.
  • Lander M., and G. J. Holland, 1993: On the interaction of tropical-cyclone- scale vortices I: Observations, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,119, 1347-1362.
  • Ritchie E. A., and G. J. Holland, 1993: On the interaction of tropical- cyclone-scale vortices II: Discrete vortex patches, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 119, 1363-1280.
  • Holland G. J., and G. S. Dietachmayer, 1993: On the interaction of tropical- cyclone-scale vortices III: Continuous barotropic vortices, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,119, 1381-1398.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology


Sov. J. Remote Sensing

  • Pokrovskaya, I.V., and Sharkov,E.A., 1993: Remote studies of the thermal stratification of the tropical atmosphere in the process of cyclogenesis. Sov. J. Remote Sensing, 11, 93-105

Tellus, Series A


USSR Academy of Sciences/Earth Science Section

  • Pokrovskaya, I.V., and Sharkov, E.A., 1993: Global tropical cyclogenesis as a poisson stochastic process. Doklady Acad. Nauk USSR (Engl. Trans. USSR Academy of Sciences/ Earth Science Section), 331, 625-627


  • Walmsley J. L., 1993: The Transatlantic Fate of Tropical Storms, Weather, 48, 350-358.

Weather and Forecasting

  • Gray W. M., and C. W. Landsea, P. W. Mielke Jr., K. J. Berry, 1993: Predicting Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclone Activity by 1 August, Weather and Forecasting, 8, 73-86.
  • Elsner J. B., and C. P. Schmertmann, 1993: Improving Extended-Range Seasonal Predications of Intense Atlantic Hurricane Activity, Weather and Forecasting, 121, 345-351.


  • Williams J., and H. Brandli, W. Faidley, 1993: Hurricane Andrew in Florida, Weatherwise, 45, 7-14.
  • Mayfield M., and L. Avila, 1993: Atlantic Hurricanes, Weatherwise, 46, 18-24.
  • Rappaport E. N., and M.B. Lawrence, 1993: Eastern Pacific Hurricanes, Weatherwise, 121, 25-28.

Books - 1993

  • Lighthill, J., Z. Zhemin, G. Holland, K. Emanuel, (Eds.), 1993: Tropical Cyclone Disaters - Proceedings of ICSU/WMO International Symposium, Peking University Press, Beijing, China, 588 pp.
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