Heliophysics MOWG News

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SHMOWG: A meeting of the Solar and Heliospheric MOWG was held January 17-18, 2008. For a copy of the Agenda or other information please contact Alex Pevtsov for further information.

GMOWG: The Geospace MOWG has recently updated its membership. We have been very grateful for the contributions of retiring members, Maura Hagan, Mike Henderson, Larry Paxton, and Chair, Mike Liemohn. We hope that all will continue to help us stay in touch with the community. We are pleased that Reiner Friedel, Dave Siskind and Stan Solomon have agreed to join the the GMOWG and that Bill Lotko has accepted our invitation to take over as GMOWG Chair. Contact Mary Mellott for further information.

DCWG: A meeting of the Data and Computing Work Group was held January 30-31. For a copy of the Agenda or other information please contact Chuck Holmes for further information.