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General Information

Cert Name Orem CERT
Region Name Orem, Utah
Cert Type Local
Street Address
Street Address Cont.
City Orem
State UT
Zip Code 84097
Phone Number Not Provided
Status Approved
Cert Web Site
Cert Description
The CERT Program in Orem is continuing to grow and expand. We sponsor at least 6 classes per year and 4 City wide refresher trainings. At the end of each class we conduct a disaster simulation exercise for the students to practice what they have learned. We have 21 geographic areas in Orem that each have a CERT team that train together as a team. Orem has 24 CERT instructors that have completed the State Train the Trainer course. They volunteer to teach the classes and help with the refresher training. Besides training for a disaster, CERT members volunteer to help at Summerfest and Timpanogos Story Telling festival as well as various preparedness fairs and activities throughout the city.

Areas Served

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Jurisdiction Type
A zip code within the U.S. 84057 (Bonnie,Bunker,Clyde,Orem)
84058 (Bonnie,Bunker,Clyde,Orem,Vineyard,Lakeview)
84059 (Orem)
84097 (Orem)

Local Endorsing Organization and Contact

Sponsoring Organization Orem City CERT
First Name Lamar
Middle Initial
Last Name Woods
Title Emergency Coordinator
Street Address 95 East Center
Street Address Cont.
City Orem
State UT
Zip Code 84097
Phone Number 801-229-7146