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Camp Lejeune, North Carolina: Survey

Overview of ATSDR Camp Lejeune Survey

The survey was part of a multi-step process to study the potential health effects of in-utero exposure to the chemicals found in drinking water at Camp Lejeune. Telephone surveys were conducted with parents of 12,598 children born to women who were pregnant while living in on-base housing at Camp Lejeune any time from 1968-1985. Parents were asked if the child had a birth defect or developed a childhood cancer. The survey is now complete. A total of 103 potential cases were reported. Next, ATSDR confirmed the children's health problems by asking parents who said their children had health problems of interest for access to their child's health records. The records were reviewed and ATSDR is now ready to conduct a full study. The study will include all confirmed cases of the birth defects and childhood cancers of interest.

 Selected Resources

Executive Summary
Detailed summary of the background and findings from the telephone interviews of parents of children born to women who were potentially exposed to contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune from 1968-1985.

Survey of Childhood Cancers and Birth Defects at USMC Camp Lejeune (Full Report) (July 2003)
Report of findings from a telephone interview of parents of children born to mothers who were pregnant while living in the base between the years 1968-1985. The survey identified 103 specific childhood cancers and birth defects, suggesting the need to further study whether contaminated drinking water on base during that time was associated with the illnesses.

Webcast Transcript
Eight minute transcript of the webcast that gives a progress report on the survey of childhood cancers and birth defects among children whose mothers were pregnant while living at Camp Lejeune from 1968-1985.

Health Survey and Study (FAQs)
Commonly asked questions and answers about the procedures and progress of the survey and upcoming study.

Health and Medical Questions (FAQs)
Answers to frequently asked questions about human exposure to drinking water contaminants found at Camp Lejeune

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This page last updated on November 1, 2004
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