How to Prepare a Travel Order
Updated 09/12/06

All HEADQUARTERS travel orders must  be prepared using the travel order application on Ourplace. 

ITA's travel order is an Adobe form that automatically generates travel order numbers and can be saved as part of an ITA central database. Use the following steps for accessing the ITA Travel Order Application.

Steps for Using ITA Travel Order Application:

  1. Go to Ourplace ( and sign in.
  2. Select E-forms from your navigational bar on the right.
  3. Select "ITA Smart Forms" from the menu bar.
  4. Select the CD29_XX travel order form (from the appropriate fiscal year ) and a blank travel order form will appear.
  5. Type the appropriate information on the blank travel order form.
  6. After your information has been entered on the form, select SAVE from the drop down menu bar to save the data. 
  7. Select Print from the menu bar to print your travel order.
  8. Click the OK button to exit the travel order form.  
  9. Your travel order will be added to your directory of completed  travel orders listed under Display My Smart Forms.

NOTE:  Each year from mid-September until October 1st, two travel order forms are available, one for the current and one for the succeeding fiscal year. Please be careful to fill out the travel order for the appropriate fiscal year.

Steps for Amending a Travel Order

  1. Go to Ourplace ( and sign in.
  2. Select E-forms from your navigational bar on the right
  3. Select "ITA Smart Forms" from the menu bar.
  4. Click on Display My Smart Forms. 
  5. Put a check mark in the box next to the travel order that you need to amend.
  6. Select "Super-Copy Selected Form(s) +A".
  7. A copy of your original travel order is created.
  8. Click on this travel order and make your edits.
  9. Select SAVE from the option menu, print and exit.

For more information contact:  Sharon Russell at  202-482-3267 regarding travel policy or Help Desk at 202-482-1955 for technical advice.