About the NHTS

The NHTS is the authoritative source of national data on the travel behavior of the American public. The dataset allows analysis of daily travel by all modes, including characteristics of the people traveling, their household, and their vehicles. The project is funded and managed by the Federal Highway Administration, Office of Policy and Information.

2008 Survey

  • 155,000 US households will participate
  • Survey conducted from April 2008 through May 2009
  • Add On Program: 20 Add-on partners
  • Public use dataset – planned for late Fall of 2009

NewNow online: 2008 NHTS Telephone (CATI) Questionnaire (PDF)

More about the 2008 NHTS...

2008 Survey Participant

An FAQ for participants of the 2008 NHTS is available at FHWA.

2001 Survey

NHTS Brief

How have gas prices affected summer travel?
Vacation Travel, NHTS Brief, August, 2008 [PDF]

Earlier Surveys

This site has data for the 2001 NHTS, 1995 NPTS, 1990 NPTS, and 1983 NPTS, publications from all surveys, and Online Analysis Tools for the 2001 NHTS and the 1995 NPTS.

For additional information on earlier surveys, also see: 1983  1977  1969

NHTS at TRB: 88th Annual Meeting January 11-15, 2009

  • Session 224: Changing Demographics and Transportation on Public Lands
  • Session 443: Impact of Changing Demographics on the Transportation System
  • Session 592: Travel Demand in the United States: Trends, Challenges, and Data to Support Informed Strategies and Policy
  • Workshop 790: National Household Travel Survey, 2008: Add-on Applications, Data Use, and Dissemination


New Users

The Guide for New Users has the information you need to get started or reacquainted with the NHTS/NPTS.

Community of Practice

The FHWA's NHTS "Community of Exchange" provides a forum where an open exchange of information and knowledge of transportation issues can take place.

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This web-based tool was developed by the Center for Transportation Analysis,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) under funding from the Federal Highway Administration