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Camp Lejeune, North Carolina: Estimated Finished Water Concentrations

Estimated* concentrations of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and associated degradation by-products in finished water delivered from the Tarawa Terrace water treatment plant.
Concentrations are in micrograms per liter (µg/L)

(*Based on simulation using groundwater flow, contaminant fate and transport, and mixing models)

Estimated Concentrations of Finished Water in micrograms per liter (µg/L)

Enter starting MONTH and YEAR and an ending MONTH and YEAR to obtain finished water concentrations delivered from the Tarawa Terrace water treatment plant.
Simulated concentration results are available for the date range of
January 1952 – February 1987

Start Date: (mm/yyyy)

End Date:   (mm/yyyy)

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This page last updated on June 1, 2007
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