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AFSC Internships:  2008

Project Title: Climate change impacts on the spatial and temporal distribution of walleye pollock spawning in the Eastern Bering Sea

Program: Stock Assessment and Multispecies Assessment - REFM

Specific Time Frame: The intern should start in mid-June and plan to work through the summer. The nature of the research allows for flexibility in scheduling around family vacations.

Location: Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, Washington

Project Description: This project will focus on answering the important question of: Is the spawn time of pollock influenced by sea surface temperature? The intern will work with scientists in the Status of Stocks and Multispecies Assessment (SSMA) group of the AFSC and fishing industry representatives to collect records of weekly reports on roe quality and quantity. The intern will compare the temporal distribution of roe quality and quantity against weekly sea surface temperature records. Further analysis will include an examination of the spatial distribution of roe collections to assess finer scale patterns related to the timing and distribution of spawning. The information will be shared with economists and other researchers.

Specific activities will include the following: a) contacting industry representatives and arranging a meeting to discuss use of their data in this project; b) loading electronic records of roe quality and quantity in an access database; c) displaying patterns of roe quality in weekly snapshots with overlays of winter temperature using Geographic Information Systems (GIS); d) statistical analysis of the relationship between sea surface temperature and roe condition; e) development of a report summarizing methods and results.

At the end of the internship, the intern will develop a report that documents the methods and results of their research. It is likely that if a relationship is identified, that the intern will be included as a co-author on a peer reviewed journal article.

Field Work Description: Field work associated with this project will include participation in between-ship calibrations that are expected to occur this summer. The between-ship calibrations will probably occur in Puget Sound.

Qualifications Required: The intern should have good personal skills, an ability to work with EXCEL. A desirable skill would be some experience with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and databases. A basic understanding of statistical inference will be needed for this study.

Benefits to Student: The student will be working on a high profile project that may result in a peer reviewed journal article. The student will learn advanced statistical techniques and advanced GIS applications.

For more information about this position, contact:

Anne B. Hollowed
NOAA/NMFS/Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Resource Ecology & Fisheries Management (REFM) Division
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg 4
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 526-4223


To apply for this internship, send complete application to:

Rebecca Reuter, Outreach Coordinator
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-6349
(206) 526-4249

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