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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Iraq Study Group

CSP Publications on Iraq

The Center for the Study of the Presidency is a non-profit and nonpartisan organization. Its primary mandate is to actively strengthen Presidential leadership and the effectiveness of the Executive Branch. The Center facilitates civil dialogue to break down bureaucratic and agency stovepipes.

Providing vision and the perspective of history to governance and strategic planning, the Center aids in the creation of better policy and inspires and prepares future generations of leaders.


Vietnam and Iraq: A Strategic and Tactical Analysis
July 4, 2005

U.S. Communications with Muslim Communities: Observations and Recommendations
August, 2004

Implementing Peace - A Roadmap for Afghanistan & Iraq: Significant Observations
Roundtable: July, 2004

Lessons from Afghanistan – Hurdles for Iraq: Significant Observations
Roundtable: September, 2004

Maximizing NATO for the War on Terror
May, 2005


Iraq Study Group


ISG Quick Stats

  • Ten public servants—5 Democrats, 5 Republicans—made up the ISG.
  • The ISG's budget was $1 million, approved by Congress
  • Three organizations joined USIP in facilitating the ISG.
  • 44 people served in four Expert Working Groups to advise the ISG.
  • The Iraq Study Group spent 4 days in Iraq in August/September.
  • There were 9 plenary meetings of the ISG.
  • The Iraq Study Group met with 136 people in and out of government before September 19, and 170 people total as it prepared its report.
  • Members of the Iraq Study Group were not paid in any way for their work.

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