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Performance & Compensation

Presidential Rank Awards

Each year, the President recognizes and celebrates a small group of career Senior Executives and senior career employees with the Presidential Rank Award. Recipients of this prestigious award are strong leaders, professionals, and scientists who achieve results and consistently demonstrate strength, integrity, industry, and a relentless commitment to excellence in public service.

There are two categories of rank awards: Distinguished and Meritorious. Award winners are chosen through a rigorous selection process. They are nominated by their agency heads, evaluated by boards of private citizens, and approved by the President. The evaluation criteria focus on leadership and results. See Guidance for the FY 2008 Presidential Rank Awards Program.

Distinguished rank recipients receive a lump-sum payment of 35 percent of their rate of annual basic pay; Meritorious rank recipients receive 20 percent of their rate of annual basic pay. All recipients receive a framed certificate signed by the President.

Presidential Rank Award Winners