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The Plasma Dictionary website is based on the Fusion & Plasma Glossary that was originally created on FusEdWeb, Fusion Energy Educational Website which has additional introductory information on plasma and fusion science). In response to many inquiries for a list of plasma terms, LLNL's Science & Technology Education Program working with Robert Heeter has created a database driven website just for this purpose.

This simple dictionary allows users to submit new terms, search for specific terms or browse alphabetic listings. Plasma scientists are encouraged to add terms and definitions.

By clarifying the meanings of specific plasma terms, it is envisioned that the primary use of the Plasma Dictionary website will be by students, teachers, researchers, and writers for

  • Enhancing literacy in plasma science
  • Serving as an educational aid
  • Providing practical information
  • Helping clarify plasma writings

New submissions or modifications will be posted to the database within one week of the submission date. Terms and definitions must not contain any classified information or export control information. The contributor submitting information is solely responsible for the content. If you have any doubts or concerns about this request please send your questions to Don Correll.


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
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