ORNL Neutron Sciences SNS & HFIR Logos


Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer (CNCS)

Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer (Click for larger version)

Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer at SNS. Click image for a larger view.

The Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer (CNCS) on beam line 5 is a high resolution, direct geometry, multi-chopper inelastic spectrometer designed to provide flexibility in the choice of energy resolution and to perform best at low incident energies (2-50 meV). Initially, the detector coverage around the sample is 1 sr, but a later upgrade to 3 sr is possible. CNCS experiments will typically use energy resolution between 10 and 500 µeV. A broad variety of scientific problems, ranging from complex and quantum fluids to magnetism and chemical spectroscopy, will be addressed through experiments on CNCS at SNS.

A University-National Laboratory collaboration has stepped forward to fund and oversee the development of this instrument. This Instrument Development Team (IDT) is lead by The Pennsylvania State University and the primary members are MIT, and the Universities of Michigan, Berkeley, and Missouri. Additional information is provided on the IDT website, http://www.cncs.iucf.indiana.edu/cncs/, from their spokesperson, , or the Instrument Scientist, Georg Ehlers.

Recent Significant Events:

  • Major instrument construction and installation complete
  • First neutrons at CNCS were taken on April 2, 2008
  • Instrument commissioning is currently underway.
  • A second Instrument Scientist has begun work with the instrument.
  • First outside users are expected in early 2009.

The following documents contain more detailed information about the expected performance and design of the spectrometer:
Conceptual Design Report (PDF 657K)
Instrument data sheet (PDF)


  Information Contact: Jennifer Niedziela - niedzielajl@ornl.gov  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science