Fall 2007
PCPFS E-Newsletter  
John Burke, Chairman
John P. Burke, Chairman
Dr. Dot Richardson, Vice Chair
Dr. Dot Richardson, Vice Chair
Council Members' News and Activities
Council member Donna Richardson Joyner
President's Challenge Program Updates
Presidential Active Lifestyle Award Emblem
Mark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar
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In This Issue:
Main Page
Council Members' News and Activities
Feature Article: Assessment of Physical Activity Behavior
Mark Your Calendar
President's Challenge Program Updates
Science Board News and Notes
What's New at HHS
Click here for a printable version of the E-Newsletter.
Council Members' News and Activities

Council Member News

Council member Donna Richardson Joyner

Donna Richardson-Joyner is a woman on the move. At the request of Oprah Winfrey, she recently spent time teaching young girls about mental, physical, and spiritual wellness at Oprah’s Leadership Academy in South Africa (although she admits learning more from the girls than she taught them). She will be returning to the academy in November to continue her work. In July, President Bush asked Ms. Richardson-Joyner to be a part of the delegation representing the United States at the Pan American Games in Brazil, a place she last visited twelve years ago when she competed in the International Aerobics Championships.

PCPFSNews was able to steal a few moments from Mrs. Richardson-Joyner to ask her about her health and wellness ministry and inactivity in this country.

PCPFSNews: How did you get involved in a health and wellness ministry?
DRJ: My father is diabetic, hypertensive, and has had three strokes. My mom, who is the family caregiver, neglected taking care of herself and paid a price for that. She decided she needed to take care of her “temple,” her body, in order to continue to help others. She became faithfully fit and fabulous and wanted to spread the good news to others. She started the ministry knowing that many of the members at her church needed to learn the same lessons. Initially, the ministry focused on strengthening the mind, body, and spirit. However, I realized that faith was the missing ingredient and is generally not a part of any weight loss or fitness plans. My mom and I began spreading our message to help Christians become better stewards of their bodies. We’ve been successful at showing people how to use their faith to gain control over their eating and exercise behaviors.

PCPFSNews: In the past year, you turned your attention to youth through a new program, “Sweating with Purpose.”
DRJ: The goal of “Sweating in the Spirit” is to increase awareness of the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle through education, encouragement, and empowerment, but the program targets adults. Our children are experiencing the same issues with overweight and obesity. This is why I started “Sweating with Purpose.” We need to instill the virtues of a healthy lifestyle in children when they are young with the hope that they will carry these values with them as they age.  Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Now is the time to intervene and teach our children good physical activity and nutrition habits in the places where they learn, play, and worship.

PCPFSNews: What are some of the barriers or challenges you most often hear people say prevent them from being active, and what do you tell them?
DRJ: 1) I’m too old: You are never too old to start being physically active. 2) I’m too tired: You have to expend energy to get energy. Being active lessens fatigue and decreases stress. 3) I can’t afford it: The last time I checked, walking, dancing, and calisthenics were free. Making a small investment provides an excellent return. 4) I might mess up my hair: Pin it up, braid it, weave it, twist it, go natural, or wear a hat or wig. 5) I don’t have the time: many Americans spend hours watching television yet they don’t take the 20 or so minutes to do some type of physical activity. We need to stop making excusing for ourselves.
PCPFSNews: What do you think about the recent research that suggests that your size and ability to gain or lose weight may be a reflection of the company you keep?
DRJ: I believe it’s important to surround yourself with positive people. There are people who add value to your life and people who don’t. We can’t always wait for people to inspire us or make us feel better. We can’t worry about how we got where we are. It’s time to be excited about where we’re going from here. I’m so appreciative to have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives and be a leader for change. Life is about change.  Embrace it!

PCPFS | 200 Independence Ave., SW | Room 738-H | Washington, D.C. 20201-0004 | 202-690-9000 | Fax: 202-690-5211
www.fitness.gov | www.presidentschallenge.org



The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports