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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Grant Title: MCH Public Health Social Work Leadership Training Program

View University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Kathleen  A.  Rounds, MSW M. P. H
School of Social Work
301 Pittsboro Steet, CB#3550
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-2911
(919) 962-6429
Email: karounds@email.unc.edu


Many health and social problems that affect the MCH population originate in socioeconomic and environmental conditions. Social workers, as part of public health interdisciplinary teams, need leadership preparation in maternal and child health and public health to effectively address these problems

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: Provide comprehensive MCH public health social work leadership training to a culturally diverse group of at least four long-term trainees each year. Objective 1: In collaboration with the Department of Maternal and Child Health, School of Public Health, offer the Dual Degree Program (MSW/MSPH) as part of the curriculum for trainees. Objective 2: In collaboration with the UNC MCH Leadership Development Consortium, provide a series of intensive interdisciplinary leadership trainings to all the MCHB trainees at UNC. Objective 3: Expand and update MCH content in the School of Social Work foundation courses. Goal 2: Develop and disseminate curriculum and continuing education materials to social work programs, public health social work state and national organizations, and practitioners via the Internet. Objective 1: Update current public health social work modules on the Program's website and develop a new module each year of the program. Objective 2: Participate in public health social work continuing education efforts by serving on statewide, regional, and national committees to assess needs, develop and provide training. Objective 3: Produce continuing education materials for public health social workers that are disseminated on-line. Goal 3: Collaborate with and provide technical assistance to MCH programs and agencies and when possible involve trainees in these efforts. Objective 1: Collaborate with the two other MCH Public Health Social Work Leadership Programs to coordinate continuing education activities and share training strategies and resources. Objective 2: Collaborate with the UNC MCH Leadership Development Consortium to develop a training plan and to create a UNC MCH Leadership Advisory Committee with representation from Title V programs and family members. Objective 3: Continue to collaborate with and provide technical assistance to local, state, and national MCH agencies and programs and national public health social work organizations.


The leadership training program will: 1) Accept a culturally diverse group of at least four second year MSW/MSPH students into the leadership training program; 2) Provide a comprehensive training program through: a) further developing public health social work leadership competencies in MCH; b) strengthening the MCH content at the School of Social Work by developing modules for the MSW curriculum; c) enhancing leadership training in field education by working with selected MCH practicum sites to develop leadership training materials for field instruction; d) conducting four discipline specific seminars per year for trainees and an intensive interdisciplinary leadership training workshop series in collaboration with the other UNC MCHB funded leadership training programs; e) involving trainees in faculty technical assistance to MCH agencies and in faculty research; 3) Disseminate curriculum materials primarily through the Internet; 4) Participate in public health social work training efforts on the local, state, regional, and national level; 5) Plan and conduct MCH continuing education; and 6) Collaborate with the two other MCHB funded social work leadership training programs and the four other UNC MCHB funded leadership training programs.


Training, CE, TA: NC Div of PH, Women's and Children's Section UNC MCH Leadership Development Consortium SC Dept of PH - SW Section APHA - SW section ASTPHSW AUCD LEND Trainee field sites: UNC Ctr for Maternal and Infant Health NC Prevent Child Abuse Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program of NC IPAS Family Health Int'l NC Child Advocacy Inst Horizons Durham Public Schools Nat'l Early Childhood Technical Assistance System Ctr for Health Training (TX) Centro para Los Adolescentes de San Miguel de Allende (Mexico)


The evaluation focuses on the process of implementing project objectives and on the achievement of outcomes. The evaluation collects data on: trainee selection, preparation, and activities; faculty activities and products; development and dissemination of curriculum materials; continuing education; technical assistance and consultation to MCH related agencies; and progress in meeting relevant MCHB Performance Standards. Findings are used to continuously improve various components of the project.

Experience to Date:

Over the past year, the Public Health Social Work Leadership Training Program has: 1) provided leadership training to six long-term trainees who were all completing their final year in the Dual Degree Social Work/Public Health Program at UNC (five of these received funding during this period); 2) as part of the UNC MCH Leadership Development Consortium, provided a series of intensive interdisciplinary leadership trainings to all the MCHB trainees on the UNC campus, completed development and testing of an online curriculum on cultural competence. 3) produced written and electronic materials for MCH professionals, students, and educators (including 2 CD-ROMS on disaster preparedness for public health social workers); 4) collaborated with or provided technical assistance to a range of MCH agencies and programs on the local, state, and national levels; and 5) provided continuing education to approximately ??? participants at ??? different conferences and national meetings.