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National Spectrum Managers Association (NSMA)

The National Spectrum Manager's Association (NSMA) Antenna Pattern Plotter for Windows was developed to view digitized antenna patterns which conform to the NSMA standard.
Sample output of the software

The purpose of this standard is to establish a standard format for the electronic transfer of antenna pattern data. This transfer can be by means of magnetic media (floppy disks, tapes, etc.) or communicative media (telephone lines).

Software and Data

History of the NSMA Standard
At the meeting of Study Group 16 - Antenna Patterns of The National Spectrum Manager's Association (NSMA), it was decided to establish a standard format for the electronic transfer of antenna patterns between the manufacturers, consultants, coordinators and users. This transfer would expedite the transfer of information as well as increase the accuracy.

last reviewed/updated 2/27/08

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