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  Spectrum Inventory Table 137 MHz to 100 GHz  

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Spectrum Inventory Table 137 MHz to 100 GHz

What is the spectrum inventory table?

The spectrum inventory table is based on information contained in 2.106 - "Table of Frequency Allocations" of the FCC Rules and Regulations. This inventory table supplements the "Table of Frequency Allocations" by providing, in addition to allocations for each frequency band from 137 MHz to 100 GHz, information on common service names, FCC rule parts, operational parameters, coverage, and number of assignments. Because the "Table of Frequency Allocations", codified in 47 C.F.R. 2.106, is a "living" document that is routinely amended pursuant to Commission rule making proceedings, there may be some discrepancies between the "Table of Frequency Allocations" and the "Spectrum Inventory Table".

In cases of discrepancies, the "Table of Frequency Allocations" contained in the C.F.R., as updated by changes published in the Federal Register, is the definitive table. Readers are advised that the footnotes indicated in the table sometimes contain significant details regarding usef a frequency band and should be consulted. The spectrum inventory table provides a descriptive survey of the spectrum based on today's allocations and usages, and does not reflect future FCC policies and rules. Thus, it should not be construed as permanent picture of the spectrum allocation and usages. This Table is our best "snapshot" of what the spectrum environment is as of the release date.

How can this table help you?

Are you planning to use radio spectrum in support of your telecommunications needs? If so, This table offers you, the business and academic communities as well as the general public, information on how the radio spectrum is used in the United States so that you can select the most appropriate spectrum to support your needs and determine the impact of your proposed deployment on existing operations.

What this table is not!

This document is not a rule making procedure. It is just a document providing the public with information. We are not soliciting comments on changes to the allocation's table or service rules. However, we would appreciate knowing about any clerical errors that are found.

What is the current format of this table?

The "Spectrum Inventory Table" is a WordPerfect 5.1/5.2 document (60 pages) with a paper size of 8.5" x 11" landscape. In the future, plans include migrating this information to a relational database and developing a more friendly front-end which can be used to conduct searches on the information contained in the spectrum inventory database. We invite your suggestions on database programs that can provide a platform for valuable applications including instant searches, graphical mapping outputs, and other tools that can aid in your information gathering and decision making processes.

Please send us your comments via E-mail!

This table represents the first FCC version of a detailed spectrum inventory for the public. The FCC looks forward to receiving your informal comments via E-mail regarding the usefulness of such a table, and suggestions on how you feel this table should evolve. Also, if you notice any inaccuracies, please bring that to our attention too. Your informal comments on the "Spectrum Inventory Table" should be E-mailed to "spectrum@fcc.gov". Please put the phrase "Spectrum Inventory Comments" in the subject line of your E-mail message.

Download the File:

The inventory table, "SpInvTbl.wp5"; and a documentation file, "SpInvDoc.wp5", have been compressed into a single file, SpInv.zip (83 kB), using compression program "pkzip".

These Spectrum Inventory files have also been converted into Adobe Portable Document Format.



last reviewed/updated 2/27/08

If you have questions about this web page, or would like more information pertaining to OET, please send e-mail to oetinfo@fcc.gov

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