Relocation (About, Contact Us, Links, Resources, Services)

The Work Life Relocation Office provides a wide range of services and information on local CG units, child care, education, medical and dental care, recreational opportunities, spouse employment, BAH and more.

We are here to make transition an easy and successful experience for you.

Your First Steps:

      1.       Find Your Unit: Use the Area of Responsibility (AOR) map.

2.       Contact the Housing Officer
Contact the Housing Officer that maintains responsibility for your new unit.  The Housing Office will explain what housing options are available to you, as well as guide you in your housing selection.

The ISC Alameda Housing Office handles all functions related to owned or leased housing for the San Francisco Bay area. ISC Alameda directly manages 864 units of owned housing at two sites: Alameda and Novato. Novato now has Temporary Guest Housing. TRACEN Petaluma is responsible for permanent and student housing at TraCen Petaluma.

3.       Use This Website
Browse the Relocation section and find out what you need to know, other services and resources.

Contact Information:

Ms. CJ Johnson
Transition Relocation Specialist
(510) 437-5920

Last Modified 9/29/2007