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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Albuquerque City Council

Albuquerque City CouncilGOV TV provides live coverage of council meetings; see the City Council meetings schedule for dates and times. GOV TV also replays council meeting broadcasts at various times during the week following the meeting. See the current month's schedule to view rebroadcast times.

For agendas, action reports and more detailed information concerning the Albuquerque City Council, Council Districts, Council Committees, individual Councilors, and Council Staff, visit the Albuquerque City Council Webpage.

To view live or archived Streaming Video of the Albuquerque City Council meetings visit the GOV TV Home page. To view and listen to these programs you must have a sound card, at least a 28.8Kbps modem and the Windows Media Player. If you don't have it already, you can download the Windows Media Player free from Microsoft Leaving, click for disclaimer.

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