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  Universal Service 2008 Headlines

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Universal Service 2008 Headlines

September 2008

AT&T (Kansas, Indiana, and Oklahoma) Petition for Review: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition for review filed on August 18, 2008 by AT&T (Kansas, Indiana and Oklahoma) of USAC's audit findings of AT&T's participation in the Lifeline program. Specifically, AT&T seeks review of USAC's findings that AT&T: (1) was required to maintain copies of Lifeline subscriber self-certifications prior to the effective date of the Commission’s applicable rule; (2) failed to comply with the Commission’s rule requiring eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) to secure Lifeline-compliance certifications from their resellers; (3) was required to advertise toll blocking and all other services supported by federal universal service support mechanisms; and (4) was required to populate Line 9 of FCC Form 497 (the Lifeline and Link-Up Worksheet) with pro-rata dollars attributable to Lifeline subscribers that entered or exited the Lifeline program mid-month. Comments are due October 17, 2008, and reply comments are due November 3, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text

State of Iowa: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition by the State of Iowa. Iowa seeks a waiver of the E-rate rules similar to the relief that was granted for Hurricane Katrina victims on behalf of victims of storms and floods in Iowa this past spring and early summer. Comments are due October 1, 2008, and reply comments are due October 8, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Hayneville Fiber Transport, Inc. d/b/a Camellia Communications: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by Hayneville Fiber Transport, Inc. d/b/a Camellia Communications that it be allowed to revise its Form 525 line count reports filed with USAC. USAC adopted a policy that competitive ETCs may not make line count revisions to a Form 525 filing more than 24 months after the date of the original filing. Comments are due October 17, 2008, and reply comments are due November 3, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

CTE Telecom, LLC: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for review by CTE Telecom, LLC of a USAC decision, in which, as a result of an audit, USAC determined that CTE inaccurately designated certain USF contribution revenues as enhanced services, instead of DSL services. Comments are due October 17, 2008, and reply comments are due November 3, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

NextGen Telephone: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for review by NextGen Telephone of a USAC decision, in which, as a result of an audit, USAC determined that NextGen should report subscriber line charges as interstate revenue subject to USF contribution. Comments are due October 17, 2008, and reply comments are due November 3, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Ballard Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc. and HTC Communications, LLC: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions for waiver of universal service high-cost filing deadlines submitted by Ballard Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc. and HTC Communications, LLC of the Commission's rules. Comments are due October 17, 2008, and reply comments are due November 3, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

August 2008

Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. And Qwest Corporation: In this order, WCB grants Sacred Wind's request to extend the timing of our previously granted waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612, permitting Sacred Wind to receive immediate high-cost loop support based on projected costs, subject to true-up, to the end of 2008. Sacred Wind requests this extension because approval of the transaction by the New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission was delayed until December 15, 2006, which resulted in only 15 days of network costs during calendar year 2006 (actual costs for 2006 are the basis for 2008 high-cost support payments).

Order: Word | Acrobat

Waterway Communication System, LLC and Mobex Network Services, LLC: In this order, WCB denies a request for review filed by Maritime Communications/Land Mobile, LLC (Maritime) on behalf of Waterway Communication System, LLC (Waterway) and Mobex Network Services, LLC (Mobex). Maritime seeks review of USAC’s decision denying Watercom’s and Mobex’s request for refund of $1.3 million in USF contributions. Maritime asserts that the Commission’s rules do not require maritime radio service providers to contribute to USF, and that USAC should, therefore, refund the monies Watercom and Mobex previously paid into the USF.

Order: Word | Acrobat

Level 3 Form 499A: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request filed by Level 3 seeking review of a decision by USAC, or, in the alternative, a petition for waiver to expedite processing of Level 3’s revised 2007 FCC Form 499-A filing. Level 3 also filed a petition seeking a stay of USAC’s decision to calculate Level 3’s annual true-up amount based on its original FCC Form 499-A filing. Level 3 also filed a motion for waiver of public notice. Comments are due September 10, 2008, and reply comments are due September 17, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

WCB Grants WeavTel Petition for Waiver of USF Filing Deadline: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants Westgate Communications LLC d/b/a WeavTel waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.903(a) of the Commission's rules to allow WeavTel to receive universal service high-cost support.

Order: Word | Acrobat

Compass Global, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request filed by Compass Global, Inc. seeking review and reversal of a decision by USAC, in which USAC found that Compass Global had failed to timely file revisions to its 2005 and 2006 FCC Forms 499-A. Comments are due September 19, 2008, and reply comments are due October 6, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

High-Cost Support Filing Waiver Petitions: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on petitions for waiver of filing deadlines submitted by H&B Cable Service, Inc.; Flat Rock Telephone Co-op, Inc.; Western New Mexico Telephone Company, Inc.; Yukon Telephone Company, Inc.; Windstream Communications, Inc.; and Northern New England Telephone Operation LLC and Telephone Operating Company of Vermont LLC (FairPoint Communications). Comments on the petitions are due September 19, 2008, and reply comments are due October 6, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Comment Cycle for Eligible Service List: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that the summary for the Eligible Services List NPRM has been published in the Federal Register. Comments are due September 18, 2008, and reply comments are due October 3, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Inter-Tel, Inc. Reconsideration Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a petition for reconsideration filed by Inter-Tel, Inc. (Inter-Tel), seeking partial reconsideration of the Approach Learning Order.  In that order, the Bureau addressed several appeals of USAC decisions relating to alleged violations of the Commission's competitive bidding requirements under the E-rate program. On reconsideration, the Bureau finds that the relief extended in the Approach Learning Order applies to any work that Inter-Tel had not yet performed for funding request numbers 764333, 764346, 764341, 764340.

Order on Reconsideration: Word | Acrobat

United States Cellular Corporation: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by United States Cellular Corporation to amend its eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in Tennessee. Comments are due September 11, 2008 and reply comments are due September 26, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Savannah R-III School District: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants a request for review filed by Savannah R-III School District (Savannah) for E-rate Funding Years 2003, 2004 and 2005, finding that Savannah demonstrated that on-premise satellite equipment was properly classified as Internet access for purposes of E-rate funding.

Order: Word | Acrobat

Airband Communications, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Airband Communications, Inc.'s request for review of a universal service fund contribution decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company. Comments are due September 8, 2008, and reply comments are due September 23, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

InterCall, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Global Conference Partners, A+ Conferencing Ltd., Free Conferencing Corporation, and The Conference Group's petitions for reconsideration and clarification of the Commission's InterCall Order. Comments are due September 8, 2008, and reply comments are due September 22, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Virgin Mobile USA, L.P.: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Cable's motion for a 21-day extension of the deadlines for filing comments and reply comments in response to Virgin Mobile's petition seeking limited eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in Massachusetts. Comments are due August 21, 2008, and reply comments are due September 5, 2008.

Order: Word | Acrobat

IDT Request for Review Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on IDT Corporation and IDT Telecom’s request for review of a universal service fund contribution decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company. Comments are due September 5, 2008, and reply comments are due September 22, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Low-Income USF Support Certification Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau reminds eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) that, by September 2, 2008, an ETC in a state with its own state-based low-income universal service program must submit a certification, signed by an officer of the company, to USAC attesting that the ETC has complied with the state verification procedures. All ETCs in federal default states must also submit their annual Lifeline verification survey results to USAC by September 2, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text

Mid-Com Request for Review Public Notice: Mid-Communications, Inc. (Mid-Com) requests review of a decision by USAC to adjust Mid-Com's local switching support retroactively for calendar year 2006. Comments on the request are due September 2, 2008, and reply comments are due September 17, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text

July 2008

Funding Year 2009 Eligible Services List Public Notice: The Commission seeks comment on USAC's proposed E-rate eligible services list for funding year 2009. Comments are due August 14, 2008, and reply comments are due August 21, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

E-Rate Eligible Services Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: The Commission seeks comment on changes to the eligible services list for E-rate universal service support. Comments on the notice of proposed rulemaking will be due 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register, and reply comments will be due 45 days after publication in the Federal Register.

NPRM: Word | Acrobat

In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants petitions for waiver filed by Saddleback Communications (Saddleback), Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. (Pine Belt), and IT&E Overseas, Inc, (IT&E) seeking waiver of the annual eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) filing deadlines set forth in section 54.209(b) of the Commission’s rules for 2006 and 2007. The Bureau also grants a petition for waiver filed by Gila River Telecommunications, Inc. (Gila River) seeking waiver of the annual ETC filing deadline for 2006. Finally, the Bureau grants Gila River’s petition for waiver of the 2007 annual ETC filing deadline, but denies Gila River's request for a prospective waiver of section 54.209 for all future annual ETC filings.

Order: Word | Acrobat

Notice of Rural Health Care Pilot Program Quarterly Report Filing Deadline: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the July 30, 2008 filing deadline for Rural Health Care Pilot Program quarterly reports.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text

NEP Cellcorp ETC Public Notice: NEP Cellcorp, Inc. (NEP) asks the Commission to amend its decision to deny NEP’s request for eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in the rural study area of North-Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company. Comments are due August 27, 2008 and reply comments are due September 11, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text

Audio Bridging FCC Form 499-Q Filing Date Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides notice of the August 1st FCC Form 499-Q filing date for audio bridging service providers, pursuant to the InterCall Order.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Achieve Telecom Networks seeking review and reversal of a decision by USAC in which USAC denied Achieve's request to accept its amended FCC Form 499-Q. Comments on the petition are due August 11, 2008 and reply comments are due August 25, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Sage Telecom, Inc. and Sage Telecom of Texas, L.P., seeking waiver of the requirement that USAC calculate the universal service annual contribution true-up for under-projections based on the average of the two highest contribution factors, and that USAC calculate the true-up for over-projections based on the average of the two lowest contribution factors. Comments on the petition are due August 7, 2008 and reply comments are due August 21, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text

Virgin Mobile Massachusetts ETC Petition Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. (Virgin Mobile) for a limited designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in Massachusetts. Virgin Mobile is seeking eligibility for Lifeline universal service support only. Comments on the petition are due July 31, 2008 and reply comments are due August 15, 2008.

Virgin Mobile Massachusetts ETC Petition Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text
June 2008

InterCall, Inc.: In this order, the FCC denies in part and grants in part a request for review filed by InterCall, Inc. of a Universal Service Administrative Company decision finding that the audio bridging services offered by InterCall are “toll teleconferencing” services and that InterCall must contribute directly to the universal service fund based on revenues from these services.
Intercall, Inc.: Word | Acrobat

Aventure Communication Technology, LLC: The Wireline Competition Bureau, based on the unique circumstances presented, grants an appeal filed by Aventure Communication Technology, LLC requesting reversal of a decision by USAC to reject a late-filed revision to its FCC Form 499-Q.
Aventure Communication Technology, LLC: Word | Acrobat

E-rate Rollover Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that $600 million in unused funds will be carried forward from Funding Years 2002, 2003, and 2004 to increase the disbursements to schools and libraries in Funding Year 2008 in excess of the annual cap.
E-rate Rollover Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

InterCall USAC Abeyance Letter: The Wireline Competition Bureau directed USAC to hold in abeyance until July 1, 2008 its universal service contribution decision regarding InterCall, Inc.
Intercall USAC Abeyance Letter: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: Northwest Iowa Telephone Company: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Northwest Iowa Telephone Company for waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.301(e)(1) of the Commission's rules for receipt of universal service support. Comments on the petition are due July 17, 2008 and reply comments are due August 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: Arkansas Department of Information Systems E-Rate Order (Arkansas DIS): The Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants two requests for review filed by the Arkansas DIS, seeking review of decisions by USAC denying E-rate funding for Funding Years 2004 and 2005 for failure to timely submit FCC Forms 471, 486 or 472.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Order: Competitive ETC Interim Cap Erratum: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division released an erratum correcting a May 1, 2008 order, which capped high-cost universal service support to competitive eligible telecommunications carriers.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two Requests for Review filed by Lake Delton Urgent Care and Franciscan Skemp Prairie du Chien Clinic that seek review of decisions of USAC. USAC’s decisions reduced the applicants' Rural Health Care funding requests for Funding Year 2006. Comments on the requests are due July 10, 2008, and reply comments are due July 25, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: Palmerton/Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Palmerton Telephone Company and Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company for waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.301(e)(1) of the Commission’s rules for receipt of universal service funds. Comments on the requests are due July 7, 2008, and reply comments are due July 22, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: Cox Communications, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants an appeal filed by Cox Communications, Inc., requesting reversal of a decision by USAC to disallow Cox’s use of VoIP revenue allocation methodology to determine interstate revenues for universal service contribution purposes.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

May 2008

Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Fort HealthCare—Fort Memorial Hospital, Fort HealthCare—Lake Mills Clinic, and Fort HealthCare—Whitewater Clinic, and Franciscan Skemp Waukon Clinic’s requests for review of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company. Comments on the requests are due June 30, 2008, and reply comments are due July 14, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Bureau seeks comment on two petitions filed by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P., seeking eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in North Carolina and Tennessee. Virgin Mobile is seeking limited eligibility for Lifeline universal service support only. Comments are due on June 23, 2008 and reply comments are due on July 8, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) waives on its own motion sections 54.702(b)(1) and 54.703(c) of the Commission’s rules that specify that one member of the Universal Service Administrative Company(USAC) Board of Director’s shall be nominated by and shall represent “interexchange carriers with more than $3 billion in annual operating revenues.” WCB finds good cause exists to waive these rules to enable the Commission to designate a member USAC Board of Directors for the seat from an interexchange carrier, regardless of its annual operating revenues.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. to extend its previously received waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612 of the Commission's rules. The Commission previously granted Sacred Wind, a new incumbent local exchange carrier, a waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612 in order that it may immediately receive high-cost loop universal service support. Comments are due on June 16, 2008 and reply comments are due on July 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition for waiver filed by Dubois Telephone Exchange, Inc. (Dubois) and Qwest Corporation (Qwest). Dubois and Qwest seek a waiver of the study area boundary freeze to transfer an unserved portion of Qwest's Wyoming study area to Dubois' Wyoming study area. Comments are due on June 16, 2008 and reply comments are due on July 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request filed by ETS Telephone Company, Inc. (ETS), f/k/a> Kingsgate Telephone, Inc., regarding potential retroactive application of the Commission's 2004 Skyline Order to ETS' Texas study area. ETS requests confirmation that the Commission's 2004 Skyline Order cannot have retroactive effect on its study area. ETS' Texas study area was created in 1996 when Kingsgate began serving a previously unserved area. Comments are due on June 16, 2008 and reply comments are due on July 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions for waiver of filing deadlines associated with receipt of universal service high-cost support filed by iBroadband Networks, Inc. d/b/a Cedar Valley Communications and HTC Services Inc. Comments are due June 16, 2008, and reply comments are due July 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a Qwest request for review of three USAC low-income audit findings. Comments are due on June 16, 2008 and reply comments are due on July 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: In this Order, WCB extends the deadline for filing reply comments in response to the three High-Cost NPRMs from May 19, 2008, to June 2, 2008.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the Kansas Corporation Commission for a declaratory ruling affirming the lawfulness of its procedure for certifying carriers’ receipt of federal universal service support. The Kansas Corporation Commission filed its petition in response to a primary jurisdiction referral by the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas. Comments on the petition are due by June 2, 2008 and reply comments are due by June 17, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: FCC Takes Action to Cap High Cost Support Under the Universal Service Fund.

News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

April 2008

Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a petition filed by Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation and PTI Pacifica, Inc. to waive the DTV notification requirements in section 54.418 of the Commission's rules.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: This Public Notice seeks comment on Ascent Media Group's (Ascent) request for review and reversal of a decision by USAC, in which USAC denied Ascent’s request to accept its amended August 2007 FCC Form 499-Q after the 45-day FCC Form 499-Q revision window. Ascent asserts that it inadvertently included its total projected revenue in place of its projected billed universal service fund revenues on the FCC Form 499-Q. Comments on the petition are due by May 13, 2008, and reply comments are due by May 20, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order on Reconsideration: In this Order, the Commission denies the Petition filed by the CTIA – The Wireless Association seeking extension to all similarly-situated Universal Service Fund (USF) contributors of the relief granted to three USF contributors in the Commission’s 2004 True-Up Waiver Order, which addressed the true-up process for 2003 USF contributions.
Order on Reconsideration: Word | Acrobat

Order: Wireline Competition Bureau dismisses appeal of 360networks (USA), Inc. seeking refund of late payment fees related to universal service fund contributions.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau granted three separate requests for waiver filed by the Illinois Commerce Commission, Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, and the Wyoming Public Service Commission, of the high-cost universal service support filing deadlines set forth in sections 54.313(d) and 54.314(d) of the Commission's rules.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides notice, pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission’s rules, that it is initiating a proceeding to consider a petition filed by Sagebrush Cellular, Inc for agreement with a decision by the North Dakota Public Service Commission to redefine the service area of Northwest Communications Cooperative Comments on the petition are due by May 19, 2008, and reply comments are due by June 3, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on three separate petitions filed by IT&E Overseas, Inc. for waiver of various filing deadlines required by sections 54.209, 54.314, 54.809, and 54.904 of the Commission’s rules for receipt of universal service funds. Comments on the petition are due by May 19, 2008, and reply comments are due by June 3, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the Central Atlantic Pennsylvania Payphone Association's (CAPA) petition for clarification, or, in the alternative, reconsideration of the Commission's APCC Reconsideration Order. CAPA is seeking refunds from local exchange carriers for universal service fees paid by independent payphone providers. Comments on the petition are due by May 14, 2008, and reply comments are due by May 29, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Mineola Union Free School District, Mineola, New York: In the letter, Wireline Competition Bureau directs USAC to allow Mineola to submit two funding requests and consider them with its FY 2008 application. In FY 2008, Mineola timely submitted a paper copy of its FCC Form 471 to USAC. Upon realizing that it had inadvertently failed to include two of its three funding requests as part of its FY 2008 application, Mineola asked USAC if it could submit the missing two pages, including the two funding requests, to be included with its application as submitted to USAC. Based on the information provided to us by USAC staff, we find that this was a clerical error that can be corrected, pursuant to Commission precedent.
Mineola Union Free School District: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: Bureau seeks comment on SEND’s petition for partial reconsideration of the Bureau’s Caldwell Parish Order, which, among other things, denied SEND’s Request for Review of a decision by USAC related to one applicant, Jackson Parish School District, denying it discounted services for Funding Years 2003 and 2004 under the E-rate program.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on an AT&T petition, filed Jan. 7, 2008, seeking review of a USAC audit decision. ATT seeks review of USAC’s finding that an ETC must use Line 9 of FCC Form 497 if the ETC gains or loses Lifeline customers mid-month. In its petition, AT&T asks the Commission to find that USAC erred when it concluded that AT&T is required to populate Line 9 of the FCC Form 497 with partial or pro-rata dollars attributable to Lifeline subscribers who entered or left the Lifeline program during any given month, regardless of whether the company sought partial or pro-rata dollars from USAC.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order on Reconsideration: The Commission denies petitions for reconsideration of universal service fund (USF) contribution obligations adopted in the Fifth Circuit Remand Order. Reconfirms Commercial Mobile Radio Services providers may recover USF contributions through rates charged for all services; declines to reconsider the Limited International Revenues Exception; and denies requests for refunds of universal service contributions.
Order on Reconsideration: Word | Acrobat

Order: The Commission conditionally designates Tracfone as an eligible telecommunications carrier for Lifeline service in several states.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition filed by Qwest Corporation and Pine Telephone System, Inc. and a petition filed by Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (Mid-Rivers) seeking a waiver of the study area boundary freeze. Mid-Rivers also requests, if necessary, waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission’s rules. Comment Date: May 5, 2008; Reply Comment: May 20, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed LBH, LLC seeking waiver of the December 31, 2007, filing deadline required by section 54.802(a) of the Commission’s rules for receipt of universal service funds. Comment Date: May 5, 2008; Reply Comment: May 20, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

March 2008

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by USCOC of Illinois RSA #1, LLC, USCOC of Illinois RSA #4, LLC, USCOC of Rockford, LLC and USCOC of Central Illinois, LLC, pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission’s rules, requesting the Commission’s agreement with the decision of the Illinois Commerce Commission to redefine the service area of certain rural telephone carriers at the wire center level. Comment Date: April 30, 2008; Reply Comment: May 15, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Centennial U.S.V.I. Operations Corp. (Centennial) seeking waiver of section 54.314(d)(1) of the Commission’s rules. Centennial seeks a waiver to enable it to receive universal service support starting on December 2, 2006. Comment Date: April 28, 2008; Reply Comment: May 13, 2008
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: Comment Deadlines for Three Universal Service High-Cost Support Notices of Proposed Rulemaking Extended by Two Weeks. Revised Filing Dates: Comments Due: April 17, 2008; Reply Comments Due: May 19, 2008
Order: Word | Acrobat

InterCall, Inc. Letter: On February 1, 2008, InterCall filed a Request for Review of USAC’s decision, and on February 5, 2008, InterCall requested that the Commission stay the same decision. InterCall’s Request for Review raises questions regarding USF contribution obligation policies for stand-alone audio bridging service providers, as well as unique questions concerning the scope of USAC’s authority in making its decision. In light of the questions raised in this proceeding, the Wireline Competition Bureau instructs USAC to hold in abeyance for 90 days its decision against InterCall, pending further Commission action.
InterCall, Inc. Letter: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. seeking waiver of the October 1, 2006, filing deadline required by section 54.209 of the Commission’s rules for receipt of universal service funds. Comments due April 18, 2008. Reply Comments due May 5, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Berrien County Intermediate School District, Berrien Springs, Michigan: Berrien County Independent School District Request for Review: In this letter, the Bureau directs USAC to review Berrien’s appeal in light of information provided to the Commission on appeal indicating that there was an inadvertent miscommunication regarding the amount of funding requested by Berrien.
Letter: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: Comment cycles were established for the Identical Support Rule NPRM, the Reverse Auctions NPRM, and the Joint Board Comprehensive Reform NPRM. Comments are due April 3, 2008, and reply comments are due May 5, 2008. Parties may consolidate their comments and reply comments for the three NPRMs.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

February 2008

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on five petitions for waiver of various filing deadlines associated with the receipt of universal service funds. Comments due March 31, 2008; Reply Comments Due April 15, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: SEND Technologies, L.L.C./Nexus Systems, Inc. Request for Review of a Decision of USAC: The Bureau grants in part and denies in part two Requests for Review filed by SEND seeking review of decisions by USAC denying E-rate funding for Funding Years 2002-2004 for improper service provider involvement in the applicants’ competitive bidding processes.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by ASTAC Wireless LLC (ASTAC) seeking waiver of the requirement in section 54.307(b) of the Commission’s rules that subscriber line count data submitted for purposes of obtaining high-cost universal service support be based on subscribers’ billing addresses. Comments are due March 24, 2008 and reply comments are due April 8, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order on Reconsideration: In this Order, the Commission grants the petition for reconsideration filed by APCC, finding that application of the Centrex-adjusted portion of the universal service line item to payphone service providers would be inconsistent with Congress’ direction in section 276(b) of the Act.
Order on Reconsideration: Word | Acrobat

Order on Reconsideration: In this Order on Reconsideration, the Commission grants in part a Petition for Reconsideration by the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), seeking limited reconsideration of the Commissions’ Rural Health Care Support Mechanism Second Report and Order. Specifically, the Commission grants ATA’s Petition for Reconsideration in part and extends for three years the Commission’s prior determination to grandfather those health care providers who were eligible under the Commission’s definition of “rural” prior to the Second Report and Order.
Order on Reconsideration: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on petitions filed by Saddleback Communications and Gila River Telecommunications, Inc., seeking waivers of the October 1, 2006, filing deadline associated with the receipt of universal service funds pursuant to section 54.209 of the Commission’s rules. Comments on the petitions are due February 25, 2008, and reply comments are due March 3, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Intercall, Inc.’s (Intercall's) request for review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) and petition for stay. On February 1, 2008, Intercall filed a request seeking review and reversal of a USAC decision, in which USAC ruled that Intercall’s audio bridging services are toll teleconferencing services, requiring Intercall to submit FCC Form 499 filings to USAC. On February 5, 2008, Intercall filed a petition requesting that the Commission stay USAC’s decision pending the Commission’s review. Comments are due February 25, 2008 and reply comments are due March 3, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Thumb Cellular, LLC (Thumb Cellular) seeking review and reversal of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) regarding the results of a 2007 Improper Payment Improvement Act (IPIA) audit of the high-cost support received by Thumb Cellular during the period October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005. Comments are due March 10, 2008 and reply comments on or before March 24, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants an appeal filed by Franklin-McKinley School District (Franklin-McKinley) for review of a decision by USAC that rescinded funding already committed for Funding Year 2005. The Bureau grants Franklin-McKinley a limited waiver of section 54.504(c) of our rules, which requires that the FCC Form 471 requesting support for the services ordered by the applicant shall be submitted "upon signing a contract for eligible services." Consistent with the Adams County Order, the Bureau finds that Franklin-McKinley had a legally binding agreement with its service provider and, although it missed the deadline, it eventually had a signed contract. The Bureau remands the appeal to USAC, and directs USAC to reinstate the funding commitment no later than 60 days from release of the Order.
Order: Word | Acrobat

January 2008

Commission issues NPRM seeking comment on rules governing the amount of high-cost universal service support provided to competitive eligible telecommunications carriers.
NPRM (Identical Support): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commission issues NPRM seeking comment on the merits of using reverse auctions to determine the amount of high-cost universal service support provided to eligible telecommunications carriers serving rural, insular, and high-cost areas.
NPRM (Reverse Auctions): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commission issues NPRM seeking comment on the recommendation of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service regarding comprehensive reform of high-cost universal service support.
NPRM (Joint Board): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by USCOC of Greater Missouri, LLC d/b/a U.S. Cellular, pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission’s rules, requesting the Commission’s agreement with the decision of the Missouri Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of certain rural telephone companies.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by TracFone Wireless, Inc. seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), only for purposes of participating in the Lifeline program, in the District of Columbia. Comments are due February 27, 2008 and reply comments on or before March 13, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Declaratory Order: In this Order, the Commission addresses petitions filed by CTIA-The Wireless Association (CTIA) and Cingular Wireless, LLC, seeking clarification of the definition of “toll services” for purposes of determining contribution obligations to the federal universal service fund (USF or Fund). The Commission grants both petitions to the extent that they ask the Commission to declare that the definition of “toll services” discussed in the 2006 Contribution Methodology Order is the definition to be used on the FCC Form 499 for reporting the revenues derived from toll service charges. The Commission also addresses CTIA’s request to clarify how wireless carriers should allocate toll service revenues to the interstate and international jurisdiction. In particular, the Commission clarifies that, to the extent a Fund contributor (including wireless and interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers) uses a traffic study or studies to determine its contribution obligations, such traffic study or studies must specifically account for the interstate or international nature of toll service revenues.

Declaratory Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau announces the Office of Management and Budget Approval of the Universal Service Rural Health Care Pilot Program Information Collection Requirements.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Sagebrush Cellular, Inc., pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission’s rules, requesting the Commission’s agreement with the decision of the North Dakota Public Service Commission to redefine the service area of Northwest Communications Cooperative at the wire center level.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: Office of Management and Budget Approves Rural Health Care Pilot Program Information Collection Requirements.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau extends the deadline for filing reply comments in response to Osirus Communications, Inc.'s petition seeking to become a member of the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), to participate in NECA tariffs and pools, and to begin immediately to receive universal service high-cost support. Reply comments are due February 1, 2008.

Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. (Hawaiian Telcom) on December 31, 2007, seeking waiver of the Commission’s rules regarding high-cost universal service support.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) provides notice that it is initiating a proceeding to consider a petition filed by United States Cellular Corporation (U.S. Cellular), pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission’s rules.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on petitions filed by Texas RSA 1 Limited Partnership, d/b/a XIT Wireless, Hardy Telecommunications Inc. and Thumb Cellular, LLC, seeking waiver of filing deadlines associated with the receipt of universal service funds.

Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

WCB Letter to USAC on Rural Health Care Pilot Program Carry-Over of Funds.
Letter: Acrobat

Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau denies Cedar Valley Communications, Inc.'s request for a waiver of a line count filing deadline to allow Cedar Valley to receive universal service high-cost loop support after missing the filing deadline by more than five months.

Order: Word | Acrobat

last reviewed/updated on 09/18/2008 

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