NCUA Outreach Task Force

NCUA’s Outreach Task Force was created to provide a better understanding of and evaluation of NCUA’s outreach efforts and in further response to the findings in the agency’s Member Service Assessment Pilot Program: a Study of Federal Credit Union Service. The MSAP was compiled in response to a request from the Government Accountability Office and the House Ways and Means Committee. The MSAP specifically recommended that the NCUA Board:  1) evaluate the effectiveness of NCUA programs focused on assisting low and moderate income individuals; 2) consider the enhancement and full utilization of the system to monitor FCUs receiving benefits under the CDRLF program; and 3) consider reassessment of NCUA’s formula for determining if an FCU qualifies for low-income designation. In addition, the Task Force will be asked to assess the agency’s current role and efforts with respect to credit union service to their members, including financial literacy and alternatives to predatory lending practices.

The thirteen member group is comprised of NCUA staff and chaired by Board Member Gigi Hyland. In addition to staff deliberations, Board Member Hyland will conduct a series of regional “Town Hall” and other meetings to gather input and ideas from credit unions, credit union leagues and other interested parties. The Town Hall meetings (see list below for locations and dates) will be designed to give attendees an opportunity to provide the Task Force with its ideas on the issues under consideration.  Attendees should expect a lively discussion of those issues in an effort to learn more about what credit unions are currently doing to help serve all their members and to suggest possible options for NCUA to consider in assessing its role and efforts in these areas.

Monday, July 16

Los Angeles, CA

Wednesday, August 15

Denver, CO

Registration Open Soon

Tuesday, October 2

Washington, DC


For further information, contact the office of Board Member Gigi Hyland at 703-518-6318 or