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Windows 2000 Security Checklist (Addendum)


Windows 2000 Security Checklist, v5 Release 1.10


Version 5, Release 1.10



Creation Date

Not Available.

Revision Date


Product Category

Operating System


Microsoft Corporation


Microsoft Windows 2000

Product Version

Microsoft Windows 2000

Product Role

Server operating system, desktop operating system

Checklist Summary

The Microsoft Windows 2000 SRR targets conditions that undermine the integrity of security, contribute to inefficient security operations and administration, or may lead to interruption of production operations. Sites are required to secure the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system in accordance with DOD Directive 8500.1, Section 4.18. The checks in this document were developed from DISA and NSA guidelines. Additionally, the review ensures the site has properly installed and implemented the Windows 2000 operating system and that it is being managed in a way that is secure, efficient, and effective. The items reviewed are based on standards and requirements published by DISA in the Security Handbook and other DoD Policy and regulations. The results of the SRR scripts will coincide with the Windows 2000 SRR Checklist with the following: F- Finding, N/F- Not A Finding, N/A- Not Applicable, MR -Manual Review, or NR - Not Reviewed.

This document is designed to instruct the reviewer on how to assess both the Professional and Member Server configurations in a mixed Windows NT 4/2000 domain. In addition, the security settings recommended can also be used to configure Group Policy in a Windows 2000 Active Directory environment.

The Windows 2000 Security Checklist is composed of five major sections and five appendices:

- Section 1: This section contains summary information about the sections and appendices that comprise the Windows 2000 Security Checklist, and defines its scope. Supporting documents consulted are listed in this section.

- Section 2: This section is the matrix that allows the reviewer to document vulnerabilities discovered during the SRR process. The entries in this table, sorted by Potential Discrepancy Item (PDI), are mapped to procedures -referenced by paragraph number- in Sections 3, and 5.

- Section 3: This section contains the administrative issues that are discussed between the reviewer and the System Administrator or the Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO). The interview outlined in this section may be performed independent of the technical review discussed in Sections 4 and 5.

- Section 4: This section documents the procedures that instruct the reviewer on how to use the Windows 2000 Gold Disks for conducting security reviews.

- Section 5: This section documents the procedures that instruct the reviewer on how to perform an SRR manually, and to interpret the program output for vulnerabilities. Each procedure maps to a PDI tabulated in Section 2.

- Appendix A: This appendix documents the allowed Access Control Lists (ACLs) for file and registry objects. The tables contained in this section are referenced in Sections 4 and 5.

- Appendix B: This appendix contains checks for IAVM compliance to be done against a Windows 2000 machine.

- Appendix C: This appendix contains disclaimer information related to the use of the Windows 2000 Gold Disks.

- Appendix D: This appendix documents the procedures for using the 'John the Ripper' password integrity utility.

- Appendix E: This appendix documents the procedures for using Microsoft's Group Policy Results command line tool to determine the source policy for specific settings.

Known Issues

- The vulnerabilities discussed in Section 2 of this checklist are applicable to all versions of Windows 2000. To reduce the complexity of the manual procedures, however, these sections are designed around the Windows 2000 desktop.

- The Access Control Lists (ACLs) on a system under review may differ from the recommendations specified in Appendix A. If the reviewed ACL is more restrictive, or if an equivalent user group is identified, there is no problem. If a specific application requires less restrictive settings, these must be documented with the site ISSO.

Target Audience

Developped for the DOD.
This document is intended for IAOs, SAs, IAMs, NSOs, and others who are responsible for the configuration, management, or support of information systems. It assumes that the reader has knowledge of the Windows 2000 operating system and is familiar with common computer terminology.

Target Operational Environment

Enterprise and Specialized Security-Limited Functionality.

Checklist Installation Tools

The scripts need to be unzipped (Windows) or untarred/uncompressed (Unix) and/or copied to the host system (Windows, Unix copy commands).

Rollback Capability

The scripts create temporary files. These files are removed at the completion of the script.

Testing Information

Not Available.


Not Available.

Regulatory Compliance

DOD Directive 8500.

Comments, Warnings, Disclaimer, Miscellaneous

Please refer to the Checklist or the README.txt files provided with the scripts for any comments, warnings, or detailed instructions.


Not Available.

Product Support

It should be noted that FSO Support for the STIGs, Checklists, and Tools is only available to DOD Customers.

Submitting Organization/Authors

Defense Information Systems Agency

Point of Contact

Not Available.


Not Available.


Not Available.

Checklist Homepage

Download Package

Integrity SHA1 Digest
( =

SHA256 Digest
( =
Change History

v4.1.7, 2004-10-22
v4.1.8, 2004-12-10
v4.1.9, 2005-01-28
v4.1.10, 2005-02-25
v4.1.11, 2005-03-25
v4.1.12, 2005-04-22
v4.1.13, 2005-07-29
v5.1.1, 2005-December
v5.1.3, 2006-04-29
v5.1.6, 2006-09-29
v5.1.7, 2006-11-24
v5.1.8, 2007-01-26
v5.1.9, 2007-03-30
v5.1.10, 2007-05-30


Not Available.


DOD Directive 8500.1, Information Assurance (IA), 22 October 2002.

Guide to Securing Microsoft Windows NT Networks. Version 4.2. Systems and Network Attack Center (SNAC)/National Security Agency (NSA). C4-001R-00. 18 September 2001.

Windows NT/2000/XP Addendum, Version 4.1, Field Security Operations (FSO)/Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). 26 February 2004.

Guide to Securing Microsoft Windows XP. Version 1.1, Operational Network Evaluation of the Systems and Network Attack Center (SNAC)/National Security Agency (NSA). C44-026-02. 1 December 2003.

GUI-Based Automated Configuration Tool:

Windows Gold Disk Version 2:
Released January 2007

SHA1 Digest
(GDV2_CD1_Engine_03-30-2007.iso) =

SHA256 Digest
(GDV2_CD1_Engine_03-30-2007.iso) =

NIST Identifier


NIST and the checklist submitter do not guarantee or warrant the checklist's accuracy or completeness. NIST is not responsible for loss, damage, or problems that may be caused by using the checklist.

May 30, 2007
Page created: October 28, 2004

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