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Family Life/Family Member Education/Spouse Military Education

Military Spouse Scholarships  
  University offering partial scholarships to military spouses.

Student Aid on the Web
  Your source for free information from the U.S. Department of Education on preparing for and funding education beyond high school.

Military Spouses Have New Online Education Resource  
  A comprehensive online resource for military spouses committed to their education.

Start early when researching college application processes
  College application time: Here are some tips for parents and their kids who have to deal with the stress of deployments and other life pressures while applying for college. Look to the Family Support Center and online resources to find funding and advice.

College Financial Aid
  With the soaring cost of attending college, financial aid is something that almost every student has to consider.

Navy Family Education Programs
  The Navy offers the following education Programs for its Spouse and Family members.

Go the Distance: Study Skills for the Online Adult Learner  
  With the help of technology, you can complete your college degree in the comfort of your own home or while at sea. However, e-learning requires different skills than those required for classroom education. Learn how to develop effective study skills for online education.

Study Techniques While Maintaining a Full Time Job  
  Pursuing an education while working as a Sailor may seem impossible, but it's not if you sharpen your study skills. By increasing your reading speed and comprehension and improving your computer skills, you will be able to use your time more effectively.

Higher Education: How Far Does Reserve Pay Go
  Choosing to join the U.S. Navy as a reservist can be tough, especially for college students. This article addresses the basic pay and educational benefits reservists receive, including the Montgomery GI Bill and Selected Reserve.

College Moms: Balancing Family and Education  
  Believe it or not, you can be a parent and go to college. There are considerations that have to be made like childcare, financial aid, scholarships and loans, and who is going to take care of those looming household chores. But, with a little perseverance, success can be yours.

Scholarships: Your Key to College Funds  
  The cost of a college degree continues to skyrocket. But don't despair, there are thousands and thousands of dollars in scholarship money that could be available to you.

Books for Military Spouses
  This article is about books for military spouses. Links to the official reading lists of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Naval Heritage Core Values Reading Guide, and the New York Times and Washington Post book reviews, and refers to several other books.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance for Military Family Members
  Financing a college education can be an intimidating task. However there are many scholarship and financial aid opportunities available to military families.

Community Education and Skill Building
  There are many ways that you can continue your education. Learn about community and online resources for continuing academic and non-academic education via the Internet (World Wide Web), including arts and crafts, dance, personal improvement, and cooking.

COMPASS: Let It Show You The Way  
  If you're looking for direction and guidance to help navigate your way through the sometimes-rough seas of Navy life, look no further. Straight ahead is COMPASS. This program is made up of spouse mentors and it teaches spouses how to deal with deployments, isolation, separation, support, and finances.

Things to Consider Before Applying to Be an Ombudsman  
  What a person should know before applying to become an Ombudsman: the requirements, commitment, attitude, and ability to communicate. Links to FFSC Ombudsman Program, Naval Training Center Ombudsman, the Ombudsman Journal on FamilyLine, and LIFELines' "What Is an Ombudsman?" article.




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