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Family Life/Family Member Education/Educational Options

Military Families and Home Schooling  

  A brief overview of Home Schooling.

Find the Best Private School Match  
  A brief overview of private schools.

Distance Learning Benefits Young Students
  A brief overview of distance learning programs

Charter Schools Offer New Alternatives to Public Education  
  A brief overview of Charter Schools and helpful resources about them.

Heading Off to College  
  A newfound independence and having to accept responsibility for scholastic motivation.

Start Early When Researching College Application Processes
  College application time: Here are some tips for parents and their kids who have to deal with the stress of deployments and other life pressures while applying for college. Look to the Family Support Center and online resources to find funding and advice.

Policy Change Opens Door for IAs to Take College Courses
  The Navy has waived Navy College Program for Afloat College Education (NCPACE) eligibility to allow Individual Augmentee (IA) Sailors stationed outside of the continental United States to participate in NCPACE Distance Learning.

College Financial Aid  
  With the soaring cost of attending college, financial aid is something that almost every student has to consider.

Navy Family Education Programs
  The Navy offers the following education Programs for its Spouse and Family members.

Diploma Mills and Online Degrees: Buyer Beware  
  There are many opportunities for online degrees. Some of these degrees, however, are the product of illegal diploma mills, rather than regionally accredited institutions. This article discusses the problems with using unaccredited degrees, as well as how one can verify if a school and its accrediting agency are legitimate.

College Moms: Balancing Family and Education
  Believe it or not, you can be a parent and go to college. There are considerations that have to be made like childcare, financial aid, scholarships and loans, and who is going to take care of those looming household chores. But, with a little perseverance, success can be yours.

How to Stress-proof Your Parent-Teacher Conferences
  This article is about creating a stress-free parent-teacher conference, with guidelines for parents. Includes pertinent resources specific to military students. Links to National PTA, Military Child Education Coalition, Family Education Network, Transition Counselor's Institute, and two LIFELines articles.

Learning That Your Child Has a Disability
  Learning that your child has a disability can be devastating. There are things parents should know and do when they first learn their child has a disability.

Save for College With an Education 529 Plan
  The education 529 plans explain the tax-free aspects, the high contribution limits, lack of age limits, availability in all 50 states, and cautions that some state plans attach fees.

Scholarships: Your Key to College Funds  
  The cost of a college degree continues to skyrocket. But don't despair, there are thousands and thousands of dollars in scholarship money that could be available to you.

Books for Military Spouses
  This article is about books for military spouses. Links to the official reading lists of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Naval Heritage Core Values Reading Guide, and the New York Times and Washington Post book reviews, and refers to several other books.

Audio Books: Let Someone Else Do the Reading
  This article is about books on tape. It discusses the advantages for leisure and study, and where to get audiobooks. Links to numerous resources.

DODEA Schools Open Doors to Unique Education  
  Schools operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) (or Department of Defense Dependents Schools; DDESS). The schools, teacher qualifications, and student eligibility also mentions the Military Child Education Coalition, which trains DODEA counselors.

Changing Schools? Watch Out for Changing Curriculums!  
  One of the most frustrating aspects of relocating is the difference in school curriculums. From pre-school to college, this can create a huge obstacle in your child's education if you don't recognize it and find ways to overcome or avoid it.

Homework Help: Hints and Tips to Make Homework Time Smoother
  School is more demanding than ever. You, as a parent, can help your child by having a regular homework place and time, providing plenty of school supplies, creating an environment that's conducive to study, and just being involved.

Finding Education Opportunities in Your New Town
  With the kids in school and your spouse at work, do you have some free time on your hands? Continuing education is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Learn how to find academic and non-academic continuing education after relocation to a new duty station.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance for Military Family Members  
  Financing a college education can be an intimidating task. However there are many scholarship and financial aid opportunities available to military families.

Get Involved in Your Child's Education
  How a parent can be involved in a child's education, including volunteering in the classroom, helping with homework, and helping select textbooks and testing materials. Links to the PTA, the U.S. Department of Education, and the National Parent Information Network.

Time for Yourself: Continuing Education  
  How continuing education can benefit your self-esteem, improve job prospects, and nourish a marriage. Mentions preparatory classes for certification or licenses, nursing or dental assistant school, night classes in cooking or salsa dancing as examples.

Public Schools: More Opportunities, Lower Cost
  The benefits of public schools over private school or home schooling, magnet schools, schools of choice, and charter schools. Links to the LIFELines Education section.

Tutoring For Your Child: An A-to-Z Guide
  How a parent can find a tutor for a child, discussing military, civilian community, and online resources, and cautioning to get references and a background check. Mentions the Armed Forces YMCA. Links to Marine Corps Personal Services, FFSC, Operation Hero, TutorCafe, CNET Community Service and Outreach, and Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

Community Education and Skill Building  
  There are many ways that you can continue your education. Learn about community and online resources for continuing academic and non-academic education via the Internet (World Wide Web), including arts and crafts, dance, personal improvement, and cooking.

Getting Your GED Diploma
  Every year, hundreds of thousands of adults get their General Education Development (GED) diploma. If you have left high school before graduation, learn how you can obtain yours.

Writing the Book on Online Libraries
  You don't have to get in your car and drive to your local public library. You can access online libraries from the comfort of your own home.

Books and Beyond
  Whether you are deployed or at home, it is now easier than ever to pursue continuing education. From teaching you how to get credit for military experience to educational counseling, your base education office is there for you.

More Than Just Homework
  The things you can do as a parent to help your child succeed in school beyond helping them with their homework, including getting involved in the classroom and at home. Links to the PTA, U.S. Department of Education, and various education resources.

The Benefits of Homeschooling
  How do you decide if you should homeschool your child? This article is about the benefits of homeschooling a child, how to decide whether to homeschool, consultation with the local school district, networking with other parents, the academic, practical, and social benefits to the child, and benefits for the parent.

Support for Families With Special Needs
  The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) helps families with special needs. They advise families to consult with the EFMP coordinator, network with school staff, teachers, neighbors, and also to get involved with support groups.

You CAN Complete Your College Degree  
  Completing your college degree is not impossible. There are many military and civilian resources available for a service member or spouse who wants to complete a college degree, including online programs using the Internet (World Wide Web).

The Private School Option: Part I, The Difference Between Public and Private  
  Should you send your kids to public school or private school? Learn about the differences between public and private schools so you can make an informed decision.



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