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Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

How to Do Business with Treasury
Part II: Unsolicited Proposals

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An unsolicited proposal is an offer initiated and submitted to the Department of the Treasury or one of its bureaus, without solicitation from the Government, with the objective of obtaining a contract. It is used to submit, for purposes of evaluation, unique or novel ideas or concepts which the prospective contractor has originated, conceived or developed and owns, and which may have application to the work of the Department or one of its bureaus. Acceptance of proposals, for evaluation does not imply a promise to pay, a recognition of novelty or originality, or any restriction on the use of information contained therein to which the Government would otherwise be entitled. The fact that a requirement follows receipt of, or is based on, an unsolicited proposal does not in and of itself justify sole source contracting. Prospective Department of the Treasury contractors can make their new ideas and novel concepts known by submitting an unsolicited proposal to any of the bureaus which buy the type of item being proposed. Historically, the Department has funded very few unsolicited proposals. For additional information, contact Treasury’s Small Business Specialists or review the IRS Guide for Preparing and Submitting Unsolicited Proposals. pdf icon

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Updated September 3, 2002



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