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Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

How to Do Business with Treasury
Part II: Tips for Formal Contract Awards

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  • Verify that the bureau with whom you wish to do business actually buys the goods or services your company can provide by reviewing the Top 25 Listing.
  • Locate the buying offices that purchase your product or service by contacting Treasury’s Small Business Specialists, and by reviewing Treasury’s Forecast of Contract Opportunities. Also request the names of contacts within the procurement office who can provide further assistance.
  • Visit Treasury’s Small Business Specialists at our Monthly Vendor Outreach Session. Find out how often your products or services are purchased; how offices maintain their source lists; and how the Treasury bureaus do business.
  • Enter your company information and provide a profile in the Central Contractor CCR Registration (CCR) system. When entering information under business size, be sure to indicate small business as well as your other socioeconomic categories that are applicable to your company. When you indicate small business, you will also be included in SBA's ProNet database which has now merged with CCR. At the end of the CCR registration, you will be asked to submit keywords and a capability narrative to be added to your company information on ProNet. From this list, your company may be notified about potential contract opportunities. This database is a powerful marketing tool for small businesses; however, registering on the database does not guarantee that you will receive a federal contract.
  • Submit capability statements to the bureau Small Business Specialist to inform them of your company's capabilities. Your statement should include specific information on the type of products or services your company provides, a listing of your North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes, and references of previous customers.  To assist you in identifying your NAICS codes, you may examine a list of  NAICS codes online.
  • Familiarize yourself with Federal contracting regulations and procedures as well as the individual agencies' requirements for contracting. It is very important to become knowledgeable about the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).
  • Before submitting a bid or proposal, get to know the Federal Agencies. Obtain available information on past awards, quantities, costs and awardees; become known to potential purchasers, check your financial status, staff capabilities and track record; give your company a competitive edge by exhibiting at trade fairs and sending representatives to procurement conferences; read and contribute to trade journals; join professional associations and civic organizations for networking opportunities. Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) you may obtain information about previous Treasury contracts. However, prior to requesting information under FOIA, ask the bureau Small Business Specialist what information he/she can provide. Often times, the information is publicly available and you do not need to go through FOIA.
  • Register with FedBizOpps for electronic notification of opportunities in your field.

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Updated March 17, 2004



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