US Climate Change Science Program

Updated 11 October, 2003

Strategic Plan for the
Climate Change
Science Program

Review draft, November 2002


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Authors and Contributors

This section's contents...

Part I. The Climate Change Research Initiative

  • Chapter 2. Research Focused on Key Climate Change Uncertainties.
  • Chapter 3. Climate Quality Observations, Monitoring, and Data Management.
  • Chapter 4. Decision Support Resources. 


Part III. Communication, Cooperation
& Management

Climate Change Science Program Staff

Part I. The Climate Change Research Initiative

Chapter 2. Research Focused on Key Climate Change Uncertainties

  • Chet Koblinsky, NASA and CCSP
  • Waleed Abdalati, NASA
  • Dan Albritton, NOAA (Atmospheric Composition Working Group Co-Chair)
  • Roger Dahlman, DOE (Carbon Cycle Working Group Co-Chair)
  • Phil Decola, NASA (Atmospheric Composition Working Group Co-Chair)
  • Jared Entin, NASA (Water Cycle Working Group Co-Chair)
  • Rick Lawford, NOAA (Water Cycle Working Group Co-Chair)
  • Jessica Orrego, CCSP
  • Diane Wickland, NASA (Carbon Cycle Working Group Co-Chair)

Chapter 3. Climate Quality Observations, Monitoring, and Data Management

Lead  Authors
  • Chet Koblinsky, NASA and CCSP
  • Margarita Conkright, NOAA and CCSP
  • Howard Diamond, NOAA
  • Wanda Ferrell, DOE (Working Group on Data and Information Chair)
  • Tom Spence, NSF (Working Group on Observations and Monitoring Chair)
  • Thomas Karl, NOAA
  • Contributors
  • Waleed Abdalati, NASA
  • Dan Albritton, NOAA
  • Jeff Amthor, DOE and CCSP
  • James Andrews, ONR
  • Michael Dettinger, USGS
  • James Dodge, NASA
  • John L. Faundeen, USGS
  • Eric C. Itsweire, NSF
  • John A. Jensen, NOAA
  • Michael Johnson, NOAA
  • Ants Leetmaa, NOAA
  • David Legler, CLIVAR
  • Sydney Levitus, NOAA
  • Sandy MacDonald, NOAA
  • James Mahoney, NOAA and CCSP
  • James McGuire, NOAA
  • Leslie Meredith, NASA
  • Richard Moss, CCSP
  • Lola M. Olsen, NASA
  • Lawrence Pettinger, USGS
  • Steve Piotrowicz, NOAA
  • Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA
  • Steve Shafer, USDA
  • Brent Smith, NOAA
  • Sidney Thurston, NOAA
  • Kevin Trenberth, UCAR
  • Francesco Tubiello, NASA
  • Sushel Unninayer, NASA
  • Stan Wilson, NOAA
  • Chapter 4. Decision Support Resources

    Lead Authors
  • Susan Avery, CIRES and CCSP
  • Tom Baerwald, NSF
  • Jae Edmonds, PNL
  • Jay Fein, NSF
  • David Goodrich, NOAA
  • John Houghton, DOE
  • David Legler, CLIVAR
  • Richard Moss, CCSP
  • Claudia Nierenberg, NOAA
  • Joel Scheraga, EPA
  • Contributors
  • Kris Ebi, EPRI
  • Harvey Hill, NOAA
  • Ants Leetmaa, NOAA
  • Linda Mearns, NCAR
  • Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University
  • John Weyant, Stanford
  • Tom Wigley, NCAR
  • Part II. The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)

    Chapter 5. Atmospheric Composition

    Lead Authors
  • Dan Albritton (Co-Chair), NOAA
  • Phil DeCola (Co-Chair), NASA
  • Don Anderson, NASA
  • Jim Gleason, NASA
  • Terry Keating, NSF
  • Dina Kruger, EPA
  • Michael Kurylo, NASA & NIST
  • Joel Levy, NOAA
  • Peter Lunn, DOE
  • Jarvis Moyers, NSF
  • Anne-Marie Schmoltner, NSF
  • Henry Tyrrell, USDA
  • Darrell Winner, EPA
  • Contributors
  • Ron Ferek, ONR
  • Mary Gant, HHS
  • Chapter 6. Climate Variability and Change

    Lead Authors
  • Randy Dole (Co-Chair), NOAA
  • Jay Fein (Co-Chair), NSF
  • Dave Bader, DOE
  • Ming Ji, NOAA
  • Tsengdar Lee, NASA
  • David Legler, CLIVAR
  • Mike Pavich, USGS
  • Contributors
  • Anjuli Bamzai, NOAA
  • Steve Meacham, NSF
  • Tony Socci, EPA
  • James Todd, NOAA
  • Chapter 7. Water Cycle

    Lead Authors
    • Rick Lawford, NOAA (Co-Chair)
    • Jared Entin, NASA (Co-Chair)
    • Susanna Eden, CCSP
    • Wanda Ferrell, DOE
    • Harvey Hill, NOAA
    • Jin Huang, NOAA
    • L. Douglas James, NSF
    • Pamela L. Stephens, NSF
    • Sushel Unninayar, NASA
    • Mike Dettinger, USGS
    • John Furlow, EPA
    • David C. Goodrich, USDA
    • William H. Kirby, USGS
    • Dave Matthews, DOI
    • Mark A. Weltz, USDA
    • Jon Werner, USDA

    Chapter 8. Land Use/Land Cover Change

    Lead Authors
    • Tom Loveland, USGS (Co-Chair)
    • Garik Gutman, NASA (Co-Chair)
    • Ken Andrasko, EPA
    • Richard Aspinall, NSF
    • Virgil C. Baldwin, USDA
    • Keya Chatterjee, NASA
    • Matt Fladeland, NASA
    • Bill Hohenstein, USDA
    • Chris Justice, UMD
    • Sally Kane, NOAA
    • John Kelmelis, USGS
    • David Kirtland, USGS
    • Nina Lam, NSF
    • Lawrence Pettinger, USGS
    • Catriona Rogers, EPA
    • Bill Sommers, USDA
    • Billie Turner, Clark U.
    • George Van Otten, USDA
    • David Wear, USDA

    Chapter 9. Carbon Cycle

    Lead Authors
    • Diane E. Wickland (Co-Chair), NASA
    • Roger Dahlman (Co-Chair), DOE
    • Jessica Orrego, CCSP
    • Richard A. Birdsey, USDA
    • Nancy Cavallaro, USDA
    • Sue Conard, USDA
    • Rachael Craig, NSF
    • Michael Jawson, USDA
    • Anna Palmisano, DOE
    • Don Rice, NSF
    • Ed Sheffner, NASA
    • David Shultz, USGS
    • Kathy Tedesco, NOAA
    • Charles Trees, NASA
    • Enriqueta Barrera, NSF
    • Marilyn Buford, USDA
    • Cliff Hickman, USDA
    • Carol Jones, USDA
    • Steven Shafer, USDA
    • Bryce Stokes, USDA

    Chapter 10. Ecosystems

    Lead Authors
    • Susan Herrod Julius (Co-Chair), EPA
    • Steve Shafer (Co-Chair), USDA
    • Jeff Amthor, DOE and CCSP
    • John Calder, NOAA
    • Susan Conard, USDA
    • Knute Nadelhoffer, NSF
    • Don Scavia, NOAA
    • Woody Turner, NASA
    • Larry Adams, USDA
    • Nancy Cavallaro, USDA
    • Pat Megonigal, Smithsonian Institute
    • Jessica Orrego, CCSP
    • Catriona Rogers, EPA
    • Chuck Trees, NASA

    Chapter 11. Human Contributions and Responses to Environmental Change

    Lead Authors
    • Janet Gamble, EPA (Co-Chair)
    • Caitlin Simpson, NOAA (Co-Chair)
    • Mitch Baer, DOE
    • Tom Baerwald, NSF
    • Rebecca Clark, NIH
    • Mary Gant, HHS
    • Bill Hohenstein, USDA
    • John Houghton, DOE
    • Carol Jones, USDA
    • David Kirtland, USGS
    • Melinda Moore, HHS
    • Claudia Nierenberg, NOAA
    • Robert O'Connor, NSF
    • Warren Piver, NIH
    • Joel Scheraga, EPA
    • Jim Titus, EPA
    • Juli Trtanj, NOAA

    Chapter 12. Grand Challenges in Modeling, Observations, and Information Systems

    Lead Authors
    • Chet Koblinsky, NASA and CCSP
    • Margarita Conkright, NOAA and CCSP
    • David Bader, DOE
    • Peter Backlund, UCAR
    • Maurice Blackmon, NCAR
    • Howard Diamond, NOAA
    • Jay Fein, NSF
    • Wanda Ferrell, DOE (Working Group on Data and Information Chair)
    • Paul Filmer, NSF
    • Vanessa Griffin, NASA
    • Thomas Karl, NOAA
    • Ants Leetmaa, NOAA
    • Les Meredith, USGCRP
    • Ken Mooney, NOAA
    • Lola Olsen, NASA
    • Aristides Patrinos, DOE
    • Lawrence Pettinger, USGS
    • Richard Rood, NASA
    • Bob Schiffer, NASA (ret.)
    • Tom Spence, NSF (Working Group on Observations and Monitoring Co-Chair)
    • Kevin Trenberth, UCAR
    • Warren Washington, NCAR

    Part III. Communication, Cooperation, and Management

    Chapter 13. Reporting and Outreach

    Lead Authors
    • Genene Fisher, CCSP
    • Susan Avery, CIRES
    • James R. Mahoney, NOAA and CCSP
    • Kathryn Parker, EPA
    • Kevin Rosseel, EPA
    • Nick Sundt, CCSPO
    • Robert Worrest, GCRIO

    Chapter 14. International Research and Cooperation

    Lead Authors
    • Louis B. Brown (NSF)
    • Christo Artusio, State
    • Ko Barrett, USAID
    • Garik Gutman, NASA
    • Michael Hales, NOAA
    • Jack Kaye, NASA
    • Kate Maliga, NOAA
    • Linda Moodie, NOAA
    • Duane Muller, USAID
    • Carrie Stokes, USAID
    • Lisa F. Vaughan, NOAA

    U.S. Climate Change Science Program Staff

    • Jeff Amthor
    • Susan Avery
    • Margarita Conkright
    • David Dokken
    • Susanna Eden
    • Genene Fisher
    • Stephanie Harrington
    • Chet Koblinsky
    • David Legler
    • Sandy MacCracken
    • James R. Mahoney, Director
    • Richard Moss, Plan Coordinator
    • Jessica Orrego
    • Rick Piltz
    • Nick Sundt
    • Richard Todaro
    • Bob Worrest

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