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Backstage Rules

Fire Department regulations limit the backstage occupancy to a maximum of 75 persons. This includes everyone on your event staff: directors, performers, musicians, stage crew, costumers, makeup crew, chaperones, stand-by helpers ..... everyone.

There is only dressing room space for a maximum of 40 persons.
The backstage areas of the KiMo have not been fully renovated and there are no suitable accommodations for the 35 person difference. If your event has more than 40 performers please be aware that some compromises will need to be made.

If your staff, crew, performers or deliveries arrive for your event before the times you have scheduled in the Rental Permit there will not be assigned supervisory staff here to let them in.

If you use time in the building that is not listed in the Rental Permit in advance, Overtime fees will apply. Refer to the applicable Rental Rate page in the Financial section.
Please consider this an incentive to take sufficient time, well in advance, to create a realistic schedule for your event. One that is communicated to us with enough notice to allow us to schedule; our staff, equipment, custodians, building repairs, etc. - for and around your event. Please contact us and we be glad to assist you in creating a workable schedule for your event.

The KiMo Theatre has no; workshop, set-up, storage or rehearsal areas, only the main stage area. To prevent damage to the stage floor and curtains your scenery may be assembled (only) on the stage and any scenery construction or painting may not take place at the KiMo Theatre. As needed, your scenery may be fastened to the stage floor with screws (only). Nails and staples are prohibited. Stage weights are available.

If you bring, borrow or rent anything for your event (scenery, band equipment, piano, plants, etc.) it cannot arrive before your scheduled "load-in" time or be left here after the close of your event, we have no storage space. This is occasionally a problem with 'delivered' Rental equipment or borrowed or large items that aren't picked up during your scheduled load-out time. If these items are left here they could be lost or damaged or, more importantly, they will interfere with other uses and rentals of the building. Extra/overtime building rental fees will apply. Please make whatever arrangements are necessary to have all items removed promptly at the close of your event.

Smoking, matches, candles, open flame, incense, etc. are prohibited anywhere in the building and are subject to the Special Effects rules. (AFD Regulations)

Exits, aisles, walkways and Fire Lanes may not be obstructed at any time. (AFD Regulations) This includes ALL interior and exterior locations.

The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances in the dressing rooms or any other backstage areas is prohibited, this specifically includes unopened/sealed containers. (State of NM and City of Albuquerque regulations)

The KiMo Theatre has no parking spaces for ANY vehicles. 
To accomodate Deliveries, Emergency Vehicles and access thru our Emergency Exits, the alley behind the KiMo is designated as a 24/7 FIRE LANE.   Parking in the alley is not allowed at any time.


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