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Updates from the Albuquerque City Council

Concerns from April 7, 2008 City Council Meeting
Three City Councilors sent the Albuquerque’s Chief of Police a memorandum containing a series of pointed questions concerning the notification of an internal affairs investigation to an APD Sergeant immediately after he appeared and spoke at the April 7 council meeting.
Red Light Camera Discussion with Councilor Brad Winter
City Councilor, Brad Winter (District 4) will conduct a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, March 6, 2007 to allow citizens to voice their concerns regarding the Safe Traffic Operations Program Ordinance which allows for the use of photo red light cameras and electronic speed detection equipment.
Brad Winter Votes For Tax Cut
City Councillor Brad Winter issued the following public statement today: “Last week, I was pleased to vote for a tax cut for the people of Albuquerque – twice. The attack ads running against me are ridiculous and completely false.”
Brad Winter Elected City Council President
City Councilor Brad Winter (District 4) was elected President of the City Council at the first meeting of the Eighteenth Council on Monday, December 3, 2007.
Legislation to Prohibit Issuance of STOP Fines
City Councilor Brad Winter (District 4), introduced legislation today prohibiting the issuance of any STOP fines (red light and speeding cameras and vans) until the Council has had an opportunity to review the findings of the Mayor’s Task Force which is due to be reported to the Council on January 15, 2008.
Legislation to Conduct Yearly Fire Safety Inspections on Private and Public Schools within City of Albuquerque
Council President Brad Winter is introducing a resolution to have the City Fire Marshall develop a schedule to provide for the inspection of all private and public schools including charter schools for grades K through 12, within the City of Albuquerque, at least once a year.
Council Creates Task Force to Review City Charter
A task force is being developed to review the City of Albuquerque Charter and make recommendations for proposed revisions.

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