Starting a CERT Program

Step 1: Assessing Needs

person writing on a white board

Developing Program Goals and Objectives

Clear program goals establish the basis for the CERT program in your community. Therefore, one of your first tasks as Program Coordinator will be to develop goal statements that reflect what you want the program to do.

Avoid General Goals

Often, Program Coordinators start with an overall goal for the program, such as . . .

". . . to improve the overall preparedness and response capability in the community."

However, such a general goal will not be enough to develop your program. You will need to develop one or more additional goal statements that will describe just how CERTs will accomplish the general goal.

Establish Specific Goals

Some examples of more specific goals for CERTs are:

Set Other Goals

You may wish to develop other goals, depending on how you intend to use your CERTs. These goals may include functions, such as:

Review Goal Setting Resources

Take time to browse the CERT website, talk to responders, citizens, and employers to see how CERTs could be used to the greatest benefit in your community. Then, develop one or more goals for your CERT program.

Acknowledgment: This job aid has been developed from materials and guidance provided by Rachel Jacky, Portland Fire Bureau, Portland, Oregon.