USDA Forest Service

Eldorado National Forest

[Photograph]: Water running over rock with insets of forest scenes.  2003 Amy L. Reid.

Eldorado National Forest
100 Forni Road
Placerville, CA 95667
530-642-5122 TTY

ENF Visitor Information

Eldorado Offices -
Contact Information

(page link)

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


Welcome to the Eldorado National Forest's web site!

Upcoming Activities

  • Eldorado National Forest Interpretive Association General Meeting - September 13, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm at the Eldorado NF, Supervisor's Office, 100 Forni road, Placerville, CA 95667. Potluck, etc. Open to the public. Speaker - Jann Williams, Fisheries Biology. Contact Kathy Piaszk at if interested.
  • Robbs Hut Volunteer Work Day - Saturday, September 20. See flyer for details.
  • Map and Compass class - Classroom Sessions: September 23 and 25 evenings, Field Session: September 27. Taught by the El Dorado Nordic Ski Patrol. Open to public. Free. See flyer for details.
  • Winter Safety class - Saturday, November 1. Taught by the El Dorado Nordic Ski Patrol. Open to public. Free. See flyer for details

Visitors Will Determine If The Eldorado National Forest Makes It Through The Fire Season Without A Wildfire.

The fire danger in the Eldorado National Forest is critically high says Bob Patton, Eldorado National Forest Fire Chief. "The fire danger in the Forest is higher than it was for all the previous large fires on the Eldorado in the last 20 years. To the thousands of visitors that visit the Forest Smokey Bear’s message is dead on: “Only you can prevent forest fires.

Campfires are the number one cause of human started wildfires in the national forest. “I have been disappointed to find such a large number of people continuing to build campfires even though they have been prohibited since last June,” said Fire Prevention Specialist Barbara Rebiskie. “Many people are abiding by the rules but every weekend we find way too many people putting the Forest at risk with illegal campfires and barbeques. They are even abandoning their very hot illegal campfires. It only takes one.” Visitors choosing to build a campfire in violation of the fire restrictions will be faced with a large fine and the possibility of a mandatory appearance before a federal magistrate and possible jail time.

Fire restrictions affect the following activities:

  • Campfires and charcoal barbeques – Permitted only in those developed campgrounds and facilities that have a water system and a campground host. Prohibited at recreation residences, in the general forest and wilderness areas, campgrounds that do not meet the above requirements, etc.
  • Portable Propane Stoves, BBQs, and Lanterns - Permitted in all campgrounds, recreation residences, and the backcountry with a valid campfire permit.
  • Woodcutting – Check the woodcutting hotline or web page each day to determine if chainsaws are permitted. With fire danger conditions so high it is a very real possibility that woodcutting will not be allowed on a given day so always check this before going into the woods. It is a requirement of your permit.
  • Vehicle Use and other internal combustion engines – Only permitted on the roads and trails identified on the Eldorado National Forest Motor Vehicle Restriction Map.
  • Smoking – Limited to vehicles, buildings, and in a 3-foot cleared area.
  • Fire Restrictions web page with Forest Order and Exempted Facility list.

Eldorado National Forest to Implement Designated Routes Beginning January 2009

Starting in January 2009, the Eldorado National Forest will begin implementing the decision made to restrict all motor vehicles to designated roads and trails. This direction follows Forest Supervisor Ramiro Villalvazo’s decision from April 2008, which allows public motor vehicle use on over 1,800 miles of roads and trails across the Forest.

Caples Lake drawdown: Public warned to expect high, cold water in Caples Creek and the Silver Fork American River

El Dorado Irrigation District (District) began drawing down Caples Lake in July to prepare for the replacement of deteriorated outlet works at the Caples Lake main dam on Highway 88. The District emphasizes that the dam structure itself is safe. However, the outlet works were found to be in unsound condition and must be replaced. In order to replace the gates the lake has to be drawn down to a very low level. The drawdown will cause higher-than-usual water flows for this time of year in Caples Creek and the Silver Fork American River, located on Eldorado National Forest between Highway 50 and Highway 88 near Caples Lake and Silver Lake. The flows are expected to remain unusually high through mid-September when the repairs should be performed. During this time, the District warns that it is hazardous to be in or near the two streams and advises the following for visitors to the area.

  • Camp on high ground away from the stream edge.
  • To avoid hypothermia or drowning, do not enter or cross the stream.
  • Exercise extreme caution.

During the week of August 25 the Department of Fish and Game coordinated a "fish rescue" operation that transferred approximately 6,000 fish from Caples Lake to the nearby Silver Lake which has the same species composition.

Project information is available on EID's web site at

Link For Current Incidents

Normally incidents, like wildfires, that are under Forest Service jurisdiction are usually posted on Inciweb ( This site houses web pages for Forest Service incidents from all over the nation. Note: small fires may not be placed in Inciweb.

Eldorado National Forest Proposes Recreation Fee Increases For 2009

Recreation managers at the Eldorado National Forest are interested in hearing your comments on a proposal to increase fees at the Dru Barner Campground, located east of the town of Georgetown. The campground fees have not been raised since the Recreation Enhancement Act was signed into law in 2004. These fee increases would be consistent with inflationary costs and are comparable to similar public and private sites in the area.

The Travel Management Final Environmental Impact Statement was released April 2.

The Eldorado National Forest Travel Management Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision was released to the public on April 2, 2008. The documents are available on the project page as of March 31. The Forest Service can provide interested people with CDs of the documents and maps if needed. The Eldorado held four public open houses regarding the release of the Record of Decision.







USDA Forest Service - Eldorado National Forest
Last Modified: Wednesday, 03 September 2008 at 14:18:24 EDT

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