CSRC > Archive > ASSET
This project has been archived and is provided for historical purposes.

Automated Security Self-Evaluation Tool (ASSET) header image

Supporting Documents

Version 2.0 & Version 1.04

Suggested TIP for printing: This document has 75 pages (including the cover, table of contents, and Appendix A-C). When attempting to print out the User Manual, best thing to do is to break the print job into smaller parts. Reason being - this document contains many detailed and complex graphics which requires quite a lot of memory to print. There is a good chance that your printer will not have enough memory to print the entire document at one time. (suggest printing document into 4 or 5 print jobs) rather than printing the document as a whole.

Version 1.04


Last updated: September 27, 2007
Page created: March 24, 2002