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Internet Resource Links

web link American National Metric Council ANMC is a national non-profit trade association that assists organizations in the metric transition process.
ASCE Committee on Metrication American Society of Civil Engineers committee dedicated to informing engineers and architects about recent federal legislation to convert the construction industry to metric units.
web link Caltran Metric Program California Dept of Transportation Metric Program Home Page.
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Construction Metrication Council The Council provides industry-wide, public and private sector support for the metrication of federal construction and promotes the adoption and use of the metric system of measurement as a means of increasing the international competitiveness, productivity, and quality of the U.S. construction industry. The Construction Metrication Council offers several books on the use of metrication in the building sciences.

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Metric Conversion Act of 1975 Full text of the Metric Conversion Act of 1975 which is contained in the NIST SP814, Interpretation of the SI for the United States and Federal Government Metric Conversion Policy.
web link NIST Physics Lab The NIST Physics Lab maintains a page with the latest version of the official translation of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures publication on SI and other metric documents.
web link KOK metricUSA.orgtm   Knut O. Kverneland provides Metric Consulting Services and can help you in planning conversion programs, developing metric-based company standards and specifications, training personnel, interpretation of foreign specifications, releasing complete documentations, controlling drawing and standard parts issues, and provide short and concise specifications.
web link Metrication Matters provides a monthly newsletter on current metric topics.
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Metric Standards for Worldwide Manufacturing , 2007 Electronic Edition, by Knut O. Kverneland is available through the ANSI Electronic Standards Store. The 800 page/500 table book is a tool that could help cut manufacturing and engineering costs, and help industry to compete in the global market with metric designed and manufactured products.  The motto the author promotes is "Sell American" rather than the "Buy American" which is frequently heard  All sizes for fasteners, material, and components presented in the book conform to American standards in agreement with ISO.  For example, six or less threaded fastener sizes may be selected to replace more than 61 sizes used in the old systems.  The reduced number of sizes could result in thousands of dollars in savings. Contact Rosemary Maginniss at ANSI for quotes and use of the e-book on your Intranet.

web link Metric Methods Metric Methods, Inc. provides Metrication Consultant Services to help businesses to bring the metric system to their advertisements, labels, user instructions, and specification sheets. Method Methods can train your staff and provide material for you to keep it fresh and to train new hires.
web link SI Navigator SI Navigator provides an intuitive way to visit web sites dealing with the metric system (SI), metrication, and units of measure. It contains information on binary prefixes, metric system books, and the history of the SI metric system. It also has links to metric supplies sites and metrication consultants.
web link S I Jakub Associates S I Jakub Associates has provided metrication services to corporations, state and federal government agencies, and small businesses for over 15 years. S I Jakub Associates' training programs are tailored to your business. Your personnel will learn the metric system in a hands-on manner, working with the units, metric drawings, and metric specifications related to their jobs.
web link US Metric Association The U.S. Metric Association (USMA), Inc., with headquarters in Northridge CA, is a national non-profit organization, founded in 1916. It advocates U.S. conversion to the International System of Units which is known by the abbreviation SI. SI is also called the modern metric system. The process of changing our system of measurement units to the metric system (i.e., SI) is called metric transition or metrication.
web link International Standard for paper sizes based on ISO 216 Standard - Marcus Kuhn's web page.

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Date created: March 28, 2002
Date Last Modified: May 17, 2007

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