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The 94th Tour de France, July 7 - 29, 2007

bicycle gif Bicycling competitors will cover over 3500 km between London, Great Britain and Paris, France. The following link illustrates the demanding route and individual stages. ( )
bicycle gif Up-to-date information on the Tour de France 2007 can be found at the Bicycling site. (,6805,s1-7-0-0-0,00.html?location=_*topnav* )

Metric Biking Events

bicycle gif Cycling tour information for Paris and other European locations can be found at .
bicycle gif The Metric Century is a 100 km bicycle challenge ride. Discover a great bicycling journey! Take the challenge by finding your ride at,6609,s1-2-0-0-0,00.html?location=_*topnav* .

Metric Measurement

Interested in learning more about the technical side of bicycling? The following links make it easy to get up to speed.

bicycle gif

Visit Cycling News for techniques that customize cyclist positioning to improve performance. (

bicycle gif

Competition Bicycle Size/ Proportions Analysis (
bicycle gif The Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute provides valuable bicycle gear and safety resources. Their main site is accessible at . You can obtain additional information on Metric Gear Ratio Measurements at .
bicycle gif To determine Bicycling Speed Math visit ( .
bicycle gif Course Measurement and Certification Procedures, USA Track and Field Road Running Technical Council. (
bicycle gif

Guidance for choosing the right bicycling tools ( and other expert cycling advice are available at the REI site. (

bicycle gif Bicycle Helmet Standards utilize metric measurements when evaluating safety performance. Learn more from the Bicycle Safety Institute. ( )

Bicycle Safety

bicycle gif National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides helpful tips on their Bicycle Safety Program. ( Bike Tour safety training for kids is also available through NHTSA. (
bicycle gif Safe Kids Worldwide provides bicycling safety tips. (


bicycle gif Illinois Graphic Alliance provides tips on how bicycling can provide a great interdisciplinary learning opportunity. Use this example to develop a Biking Trip Lesson Plan for your locality. (

Sporting Organizations

bicycle gif USA Cycling Federation (
bicycle gif

United States Handcycling Federation (

bicycle gif United States Deaf Cycling Association (
NOTE: The information provided on this page does not imply endorsement from NIST, but is provided as a customer service for those interested in learning more about the use of the metric system in the sport of bicycling.

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For technical questions concerning the Metric Program, contact us:

Laws & Metric Group, Weights and Measures Division, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2600, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2600
Phone: (301) 975-4004, Fax: (301) 975-8091, Email:

Date Created: June 1, 2006
Date Last Modified: June 6, 2007

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Metric Program questions:

Phone: (301) 975-3690, Fax: (301) 975-8091, Email:

Metric Program, Weights and Measures Division, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2600, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2600

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NIST is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.