Cover Graphic of Determine Why There Are Fewer Young Alcohol-Impaired Drivers Publicationd

Determine Why There Are Fewer
Young Alcohol-Impaired Drivers

DOT HS 809 348

Technical Documentation Page

Table of Contents

Technical Summary

I. Introduction

II. Data and Terminology

  1. Data on Fatal Crashes 
  2. Economic and Demographic Factors, and Laws 
  3. Data on Drinking and Drinking-related Behavior 
  4. Terminology

III. What Happened?

  1. Young Drinking Drivers in Fatal Crashes - National Trends 
  2. Regional and State Experience 
  3. Youth Drinking - National Trends 
  4. Youth Drinking and Driving Behavior 

IV. What Caused the Decrease?

  1. Minimum Legal Drinking Age 21 Laws
  2. Zero Tolerance Laws
  3. Law Enforcement
  4. School and Community Youth Programs
  5. Measures to Control Adult Drinking and Driving
  6. External Factors
  7. The Canadian Experience

V. Conclusions and Recommendations

VI. References


List of Tables

List of Figures