United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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National Resources Inventory
2003 Annual NRI

State Land Use and Soil Erosion Results Tables

NRI data release procedures are affected by implementation of an annual data collection approach, because the scale of NRI estimates is affected by these reduced sample sizes. Estimates are being released when they meet statistical standards and are scientifically credible in accordance with NRCS policy, and in accordance with OMB and USDA Quality of Information Guidelines.

The 2003 Annual NRI data are suitable for national, many regional, and some state level analyses. Selected state-level results are reported here. These results will be supplemented in 2008 with additional estimates that compare net change and land cover/use dynamics with previous inventories.

Until these supplements are released, direct comparisons between 1997 and 2003 NRI estimates to determine change or trends will produce incorrect inferences and is scientifically invalid because:

  1. There have been improvements in the statistical estimation techniques and procedures between 1997 and 2003.
  2. Data from previous inventory cycles were reviewed (edited) concurrently with the 2003 NRI data collection effort.

This report is also available in Adobe Acrobat format:
Adobe Acrobat Document2003 Annual NRI State Report (all tables for all states)

The state-level data is also available in comma delimited text format:
Comma Delimited Text Document2003 Annual NRI State Data (all tables for all states)

Land Use

See 2003 Annual NRI Land Use for national level charts, tables, and analysis on land use.

Soil Erosion

See 2003 Annual NRI Soil Erosion for national level charts, tables, and analysis on erosion.

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