United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Interim Appraisal and Analysis of Conservation Alternatives

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Adobe Acrobat DocumentInterim Appraisal and Analysis of Conservation Alternatives
(1.8M), (122 pages)

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These documents require Adobe Acrobat:

Adobe Acrobat DocumentIntroduction (284K), (5 pages - includes cover, table of contents, overview)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentPeople and Resources (300K), (15 pages)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentThe Current Landscape (956K), (39 pages)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentImproving America's Conservation Efforts (56K), (10 pages)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentAnalysis of Alternatives (200K), (22 pages)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentAppendix A (32K), (4 pages)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentAppendix B (32K), (5 pages)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentAppendix C (72K), (14 pages)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentAppendix D (44K), (8 pages)

Download the executive summary:

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Adobe Acrobat DocumentInterim Appraisal and Analysis of Conservation Alternatives Executive Summary (652K), (15 pages)