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Regulated Organism and Soil Permits


Widely Prevalent Regulated Organisms

Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), Permits, Registrations, and Imports (PRI) has developed lists of invertebrate plant pests and pathogens determined to be prevalent within various States. These lists will facilitate the prompt issuance of federal permits for the interstate movement of pests and pathogens determined to be widely prevalent within the destination State(s).

PPQ strongly encourages applicants to submit applications that contain only species on these lists separately from applications that contain species not on these lists. The use of unapproved synonyms may delay the processing of the application.

PPQ is continuing to work with States to increase participation in this procedure. Please continue to check this website for further updates to the lists.

Criteria for Invertebrate Plant Pests


Plant pest applications that meet the following qualifications will be processed expeditiously:

  • Application must contain ONLY organisms stated on the widely prevalent pest lists for
    the destination State;
  • Application must be for interstate movement, not from foreign sources imported into the United States;
  • Organisms must be of domestic origin, not foreign isolates or genetic stock of organisms on the lists.

Butterfly and Mollusk List

Criteria for Plant Pathogens


Plant Pathogen applications that meet the following qualifications will be processed expeditiously:

  • Application must contain ONLY organisms stated on the widely prevalent pathogen lists for
    the destination State;
  • Application must be for interstate movement, not from foreign sources imported into the United States;
  • Organisms must be of domestic origin, not foreign isolates of organisms on the lists;
  • Organisms must not be for environmental release.

Prevalent Bacteria List by State
Prevalent Virus List by State


Last Modified: February 29, 2008