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USGS publication servers

Results 1 - 12 of 12 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
New publications of the USGS [New Window]
This listing is the on-line version of the paper "New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey" published quarterly. Includes archives of previous copies.
Central Region Group publications [New Window]
Lists of USGS Central Region publications and maps and information on availability with links to PDF format documents.
Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) publications [New Window]
Links to electronic publications of the Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) including journal articles and full-text publications accessible by publication series and subjects.
Earthfax: how to use the USGS fax-on-demand system [New Window]
Instructions on how to obtain faxed USGS documents including news releases, maps and publications information, water information and geological information using the USGS fax-on-demand system called Earthfax.
Geopubs: on-line geologic publications of the western United States [New Window]
Access to USGS on-line geologic publications of the western United States categorized by state, region USGS series, geologic maps, and software with links to state geologic survey publications.
Marine research publications [New Window]
Bibliography of publications relating to the research of the United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA dating from 1962 to the present with links to publications that are online. Listed by series and with a free text search option.
Minerals publications and data products [New Window]
Site for publications on minerals resources with links to those online. Includes reports in series, CD-ROMS, spatial data, statistics and commodity information, and mineral resources publications of regional Mineral Resources Teams.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) publications [New Window]
A variety of publications including fact sheets, open file reports, circulars, and posters, are available on the South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) site.
USGS fact sheets [New Window]
Access and listing of popular USGS publications listed by themes: resources, hazards, environment, information management, and states, and also by scientific discipline.
Educational materials (Geography Program) [New Window]
Description of education materials on mapping and other earth science topics with links to publications in HTML and PDF for downloading and information on obtaining paper and CD-ROM products.
Formal series reports [New Window]
Site contains listings of new USGS publications by month as well as links to online USGS books, reports, and pamphlets.
Surface-water reports [New Window]
Links to Office of Surface Water reports on streamgaging, streamflow data and information, current meters, sediment, modeling, journal articles, and techniques.

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