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FirstGov News
The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal
Vol. 5, No. 8
December 4, 2006

December Features on

  1. Holiday Resources
  2. Volunteer Opportunities
  3. National Hand Washing Awareness Week, December 3-9
  4. Popular New Year’s Resolutions

A pointsetta plant with gold and white ribbon in front of it.1.  Holiday Resources

Visit’s Happy Holidays page for seasonal resources. Links include:

  • Gift shops for museums, presidential libraries, historic sites, and other U.S. government sources
  • Recipes and cooking instructions for holiday meals
  • Domestic and international travel information

2.  Volunteer Opportunities

A woman showing a turtle to 2 girls and 2 boys.Volunteers are in high demand throughout the year, but the holiday season can provide special opportunities to serve. Find an abundance of volunteer possibilities on’s Public Service and Volunteerism page, including links on:

  • Blood donation
  • Teaching
  • Financial giving 

3.  National Hand Washing Awareness Week, December 3-9
A woman washing her hands with bar soap.

Before flu season kicks into high gear, National Hand Washing Awareness Week reminds us that regular hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the transmission of disease. Visit’s link to the Centers for Disease Control to find out how this hygienic practice gained recognition during the 19th century.

4.  Popular New Year’s Resolutions

A wall clock surrounded by confetti and celebration ribbons.Have you made any resolutions for 2007? Some of the most popular resolutions include getting fit, saving money, quitting smoking, and reducing stress. For guidance on achieving these and other goals, visit’s Popular New Year’s Resolutions page.


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