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FirstGov News
From FirstGov.gov
The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal
Vol. 4, No. 5
August 31, 2005

Dear FirstGov News Subscriber,

In this issue, we'll look at our new Hurricane Katrina Recovery page, our Labor Day page, recent additions to FirstGov.gov's News and Features, and an invitation for you to take a short survey about FirstGov.gov.

Image of trees blowing in the wind linking to Hurricane Katrina Recovery page

Hurricane Katrina Recovery

On this page you'll find information on disaster assistance and how to help victims of Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters.

You'll find links on:
  • Disaster Assistance for Victims
  • Disaster Information ( Alabama , Florida , Louisiana , and Mississippi )
  • Agencies Accepting Donations for Victims
  • and additional disaster resources

Click here to find out how to get help or give help.

Image of two construction workers linking to FirstGov's Labor Day pageCelebrate Labor Day

Labor Day is Monday, September 5, 2005. Check out our Labor Day page to find great topics on this national holiday such as:

  • A History of Labor Day
  • Labor Day Facts and Labor Statistics
  • Labor Unions
  • Job Search Info
  • Travel Tips
  • and much more!

Image of a man looking at a computer linking to FirstGov.gov

News and Features at FirstGov.gov

On FirstGov.gov’s home page, you’ll find a “News and Features” box that highlights links to popular and current event topics of interest to citizens. We recently added links to such topics as:

  • Military Base Closures
  • Severe Weather Watch
  • Vote to Name the Baby Panda at the National Zoo
  • Supreme Court Nominee
  • and much more!

Partial screen shot of survey page linking to FirstGov surveyYour Opinion DOES Count!

Will you share your ideas about FirstGov.gov with us? We are redesigning FirstGov.gov and we need your ideas, complaints and suggestions to make our site better for you :

Simply by answering three questions about your preferences on FirstGov.gov, you can help change the way government services, benefits and information are presented.

Take a minute and click here to answer these short questions.

Thanks for your help from everyone at FirstGov.gov.

DotGov News to YouImage of computer with the word "email" on screen linking to newsletter subscription page

Did you know that you can subscribe to 48 FREE newsletters from our government? The newsletters cover a variety of subjects, including include business and finance; education and employment; foreign affairs; health, safety and consumer protection, and much more!

Check out FirstGov's Free Government e-mail Newsletters page and sign up just once for as many newsletters as you like.

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