Input Checker Program

The checker program reviews input values and warns the users of values that are out of range or missing. The purpose of the checker program is to assist the user in identifying input data that may be causing the model to give unreasonable results.

Home Software Input Checker Program

SWAT Checker Program for SWAT99.2 Input

The checker program runs in the DOS environment. To use the program: open a DOS window, change to the directory containing the SWAT input data files, type the pathway to the checker.exe file that you downloaded and hit enter. A file named ranges.out will be created that contains the results of the input analysis. A file named defaults.out will be created that lists model defaults when variables are set to zero by the user.

The SWAT/ArcView interface has the checker program incorporated into the interface.

To download the checker files from this Web site (HTTP), follow the links below.

To download the above files from our FTP server, follow the links below.