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Student Bus Passes

As of the 2007 fall semester, University of New Mexico (UNM) students began riding all city buses for FREE and on October 22, 2007, Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) joined UNM students in being able to ride city buses for FREE.

Student Ride Cards

Who can ride FREE?

The student ride free program is just for currently registered students at each institution. Any currently enrolled student can take part in the Ride Pass program regardless of course load or credit hours. If faculty/ staff members are valid students, they qualify for the sticker, otherwise faculty/ staff can continue to buy monthly passes at the reduced rate of $20.

How do I take advantage of the Ride Pass program?

It's easy. Look for information on your respective campuses or check with your student ID services office. (For UNM students, after September 7, 2007, the stickers can be picked up at the SUB, the Parking & Transportation Office, the Lobo Card Office and the UNM Bookstore.) Once your current student enrollment status has been verified, by presenting a copy of your current schedule, a sticker will be placed on your student ID card. The sticker is tamper proof and will come apart in pieces if someone tries to remove it.

How long does the Ride Pass sticker last?

The stickers are valid for one year. Stickers distributed during the 2007 fall semester will be good through the start of the 2008 fall semester.

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