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Violations of the KiMo Theatre Rental Permit

Safety Questions?

Contact the KiMo

Live Theatre can be a very dangerous business.

Within recent history several persons have died as a result of theater accidents in Albuquerque and Santa Fe.

We must do whatever it takes to prevent a fire, personal injury or accidental death. 

The rules and guidelines listed on our Rental Information page are compiled from the actual Rental Permit that you must sign to use the KiMo Theatre.

The KiMo's Rental Permit requires you (the Renter / Producer) and all your staff, performers and crew to abide by all of the Rental Permit's provisions. If you do not comply with or obtain an acceptable compromise regarding the requirements for the use of the KiMo Theatre it is possible your Event could be Cancelled at any time, without prior notice, and/or all Fees and Deposits paid by you would be forfeited.

If this sounds very serious, it is.  We're dealing directly with the life safety of up to 750 people.

The goal of the Cancellation & Forfeiture provision in the Rental Permit is not to be punitive but to express the seriousness of our intent that you thoroughly consider and help prevent dangerous situations before they occur.

Public Safety link, FYI

The most important applicable Rental Permit provisions include, but are not limited to: Fire Code, Occupancy Load, Special Effects, alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, smoking, and performers under 18 years old.

If you become aware of any potential problem in these areas at any time prior to your event please contact us immediately. Working together we can usually reach an acceptable solution, but non-disclosure will limit us to only the most disagreeable options.


To avoid a potential forced cancellation or the forfeiture of your Deposits please carefully consider all aspects of your event as they are related to our limitations and requirements.

Please discuss these areas of concern with your staff, performers and crew -- then contact us about these concerns before submitting an Application or signing a Rental Permit.

Refer to the Stage Rules section of our Rental Information page for details regarding these areas of concern.




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