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Performer & Audience Safety

These rules are enforced to help provide all persons in the KiMo Theatre with a reasonable measure of safety during emergency or unforeseen situations and also to assist with personal security and loss prevention.

Violations of these rules may cause the delay or immediate cancellation of your use of the KiMo, and/or forfeiture of your Damage and Compliance Deposit.

Backstage Occupancy

Fire Department regulations limit the backstage occupancy of the KiMo Theatre to a maximum of 75 persons. This includes all of your staff, performers, and crew. There is only dressing room space for a maximum of 40 performers. The KiMo has not been fully renovated and has no suitable accommodations for the 35 person difference. If your event has more than 40 performers you will need to provide at least one person during all rehearsals to supervise your performers who will be in other areas of the building, and also keep those areas secure.

During a Performance, Performers may occupy a seat in the auditorium only if they have a ticket for the seat (so they are counted as part of the legal Auditorium Occupant Load).

Onstage & Backstage Access

Door monitor (security) persons with a check-in list of authorized onstage / backstage personnel must be provided by you during all rehearsals and performances. Authorized backstage personnel will include ONLY the persons working directly on or for your event.

Your check-in list must name all onstage/backstage personnel and may not exceed 75 at any time. Your door monitor personnel should be prepared to enforce these requirements on a continuous basis and prevent access to the backstage and onstage areas by any unauthorized persons, this specifically INCLUDES audience members, friends, family, and guests - as the backstage areas are fundamentally unsafe for the general public.

This rule must also be enforced to provide for the personal privacy of the performers and security for their belongings, as well as property of the KiMo.

The KiMo Theatre was built without a Green-Room (Actors Lounge) or any other backstage area for performers to meet friends, family, guests or the public. When appropriate, performers are encouraged to meet the public in the Lobby after the show.

Exits & Fire Lanes

Exits, aisles, walkways and interior and exterior Fire Lanes may not be obstructed at any time. (AFD Regulations) This includes all stairwells and posted areas backstage and in the alley, and all doorways and walkways in the Auditorium and Lobby. You are required to have your staff help us enforce this regulation.

Guests or Audience at Rehearsals

Fire Department and Insurance Regulations prohibit any guests or an audience at rehearsals. Anyone not working directly in, or for, your event is considered an audience member or guest. To prevent their entry into the building you are responsible for providing someone to monitor the; backstage, lobby & auditorium areas during all rehearsals.

Family, friends, guests and Preview/Private Showing audiences are allowed in the building only if ALL of the following conditions are met.

  • The activity has been listed in advance, in the KiMo Rental Contract as a "Performance".
  • A KiMo Front of House manager and all usher staff are present.
  • Audience members and guests enter only through the front lobby doors.
  • The number of persons entering the building can be counted and verified.

Security Guards & Supervisory Staff

A minimum of one uniformed "City" security guard is required for 'front of house' during all evening and weekend events. The KiMo Theatre can provide and may require additional personnel, at your expense, that we deem are necessary to insure the safety of the performers and public during your use of the building.


If you cannot provide sufficient persons to safely present your event, your event may be postponed, cancelled or you will be billed for any staff or personnel supplied by the KiMo.

Please contact us with your questions about providing staff/crew for your event. 
(505) 768-3578.


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