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Miscellaneous Human Rights Topics

The Mayor’s Racial Profiling Task Force Meeting – Community/Organizations
& Public Speakers 7/04

Members of the Mayor’s Racial Profiling Task Force 6/04

The Mayor’s Racial Profiling Task Force 6/04

Prosecuting Hate Crimes 11/99

A Changing Perspective on Human/Civil Rights Today 5/99

Commonly Asked Questions About Charter Schools 3/99

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1/99

Environmental Justice 9/98

Educación Bilingüe 4/98

Language Barriers in Healthcare 3/98

Barreras de Lenguaje en la Atención Medica 3/98

El Consul de Mexico 1/98

The Mexican Consul 1/98

New Mexico Human Rights Coalition 9/97

Issues of Political Correctness 8/97

Actitudes y Acciones Políticamente Correctas 8/97

Hate Crimes 1/97

Gender and Race and the Church 7/96

Human Rights Issues in Albuquerque with Jimmy Santiago Baca 3/96

Human Rights Issues in Albuquerque with Mayor Martin Chavez 3/96

The impact of Religion on Racism 10/95

Anne Frank Remembrance activities and exhibits 9/95

New Conference - Hate Crimes 4/95

The National Lawyers Guild Annual Conference - CREATING TOLERANCE:
Promoting African, American, Jewish & Asian Unity 8/94 

Standing Together 10/93

Youth Perspective on Gang Issues 10/92

Reflections of the 1960 Civil Rights Movement

Environmental Justice 1994

Albuquerque Mayor Chavez' Perspective on Human Rights Issues 11/93

Mayor's Symposium On American Indian

New Mexico State Chapter North American Indian Women's Assoc.

Interview with Antonia Hernandez, Maldef

Immigration & Outreach Part I 1992

Immigration & Outreach Part II 1992

Should Judge Clarence Thomas be appointed to the United States Supreme Court? 9/91


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